• 上级到了另一个教区

    His superiors moved him to another parish.


  • 案件提交上级法院裁决

    The case was referred to a higher court for adjudication.


  • 上级投诉

    I'm going to complain to your superiors.


  • 经过表决决定把这件提交上级主管部门

    It was resolved that the matter be referred to a higher authority.


  • 其他部队完全被包围上级联系也被切断了。

    Other army units are completely surrounded and cut-off from communication with their superiors.


  • 每一美军服役的必须服从自己上级军法。

    Every person who serves under the American flag will answer to his or her own superiors and to military law.


  • 上级谦卑。

    He is very humble towards his superiors.


  • 这些行为发生时,上级下级之间存在一种权威关系

    When, and only when, these behaviors occur, does an authority relationship exist between the superior and subordinate.


  • 可以意味着善良乐于助人甚至试图取悦上级然后期待取得某些回报

    It can mean being kind and helpful, or even trying to please your superior, and then expecting something in return.


  • 然而现实中决策不仅取决于管理者自身价值观取决于企业文化组织上级的价值观。

    In reality, however, decisions are shaped not only by a manager's own values, but also by those of the corporate culture and of organizational superiors.


  • 他因试图越过上级官员而遭严斥。

    He was reprimanded for trying to go over the heads of senior officers.


  • 上级姿态拍了拍

    He patted her hand patronizingly.


  • 上级称为模范军官

    He was described by his seniors as a model officer.


  • 英国审查员将这部电影定为15岁上级

    The film was given a 15 rating by British censors.


  • 他们上级唯命是从样子是多么愚蠢

    See how stupidly they kow-tow to persons higher in the hierarchy.


  • 这个区域人们习惯了跟上级学习如何工作想法

    People in the area are habituated to the idea of learning from the person above how to do the work.


  • 监狱长拒绝释放必须首先得到上级的许可。

    The prison governor has refused to let him go, saying he must first be given authority from his own superiors.


  • 警察承认打了这个学生但是他们根据上级命令行事的。

    The policemen admitted beating the student, but said they were acting on orders from above.


  • 如,他们认为,如果他们的员工想要有效地工作,他们就需要不断的监督,或者决策必须由上级强制而不经协商。

    They believe, for example, that their employees need constant supervision if they are to work effectively, or that decisions must be imposed from above without consultation.


  • 如果升职上级留下好印象重要

    It's important to impress your seniors if you want to be promoted.


  • 例如人们避免直截了当地上级意见起冲突

    For example, people avoid disagreeing outright with someone of a higher rank.


  • 上级列了一个认为不切实际项目时间表

    Your senior colleague outlines a project timeline you believe is unrealistic.


  • 他们更多时间一起工作不是向上级报告

    They are also spending more time working with each other rather than reporting upwards.


  • 上级

    He is my old chief.


  • 因此上级法院此项判决理由得到遵循

    Thus the ratio decidendi of the higher court is to be followed.


  • 依凡猜想上级一定会拒绝

    Ivan supposed that his superior must refuse him.


  • 梅森必须上级汇报这事。

    Mason says that he will have to talk to his superiors.


  • 权威包含上级下级两方面行为

    Authority involves behaviors on the part of both superior and subordinate.


  • 依凡帮助上级各种报告摘要

    Ivan helped his superior to write summaries of all kinds of reports.


  • 依凡帮助上级各种报告摘要

    Ivan helped his superior to write summaries of all kinds of reports.


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