Acute low back pain is recognized as the third most common illness presenting to private practice groups.
Studies have shown a relationship between people littered with depression and those that complain of lower back pain.
Lower back pain, also referred to as lumbago, affects 4 out of 5 people at some time in their lives.
Objective: To explore the relationship between lumbar disc high signal area in MRI and lumbar intervertebral low back pain.
The lifting index appears to be an useful indicator for determining the risk of low back pain caused by manual lifting.
急性下背痛会影响80 %以上的人口,有超过28 %的工业劳动力遭受失去工作。
Acute low back pain will affect more than 80% of the population, with more than 28% of the industrial workforce suffering from lost work.
The cause of lower back pain may be one of these factors such as muscle strain, poor posture, lack of exercise or movement, and depression.
Progressive symptoms of fever, headache, lower back pain, chest tightness and high blood pressure led the doctor to diagnose that Southall had been stung by an Irukandji jellyfish.
This may cause stomach upset, ulcers, headache, backache, high blood pressure, and in severe cases, this can lead to panic attacks or a panic disorder.
This may cause stomach upset, ulcers, headache, backache, high blood pressure and in severe cases can lead to panic attacks or a panic disorder.
Conclusion. The back school program might improve the quality of life score in women with chronic low back pain.
Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis generally does not result in pain or neurologic problems. If these symptoms occur, further evaluation and testing may be necessary to include an MRI.
This article introduces the clinical technique of chronic lumbodorsal pain treatment assisted by this navigation system.
After all that trekking and sightseeing, you may want to relax and soothe away your aches and pains.
Summary of Background Data. We present 2 cases of elderly females who had lumbar compression fractures with back pain, radicular pain and spinal stenosis.
Summary of Background Data. We present 2 cases of elderly females who had lumbar compression fractures with back pain, radicular pain and spinal stenosis.