• 第三学说显然意味着美国有权威胁那些没有加入不扩散核武器条约国家

    Third, the new doctrine clearly implies that the United states reserves the right to threaten to use nuclear weapons against states that are not party to the nonproliferation treaty.


  • 如果协议达成日本首次加入《不扩散核武器条约国家缔结核能协定

    If the agreement is reached, it will be the first time for Japan to have a nuclear energy agreement with a country that has not signed the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of nuclear Weapons.


  • 双方当前国际军控形势非洲地区问题、《扩散核武器条约第七次审议大会交换看法

    The two sides also exchanged views on the current international situation in arms control, regional issues in Africa and the 7th Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference.


  • 我们认为根据不扩散核武器条约》,缔约国享有和平利用核能权利,同时也应该履行相关义务

    We think that according to NPT, the countries joining the treaty enjoy the right to peaceful use of nuclear energy and should fulfill relevant obligations.


  • 包括伊朗在内的任何国家只要其履行扩散核武器条约》所规定的责任义务,均有权和平利用核能

    And any nation, including Iran, should have the right to access peaceful nuclear power if it complies with its responsibilities under the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.


  • 扩散核武器条约》缔约国2010年审议大会重申了《条约生效重要意义将其纳入商定行动计划

    The vital importance of the Treaty’s entry into force was reaffirmed at the 2010 Review Conference of the Treaty on the Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and included in the agreed action plan.


  • 扩散核武器条约》缔约国2010年审议大会重申了《条约生效重要意义将其纳入商定行动计划

    The vital importance of the Treaty's entry into force was reaffirmed at the 2010 Review Conference of the Treaty on the Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and included in the agreed action plan.


  • 中国先后签署了扩散核武器条约全面禁止核试验条约》,忠实地履行了两个条约规定义务

    China has signed the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapon and the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, and faithfully fulfilled the obligations set by the two treaties.


  • 1995年,作为无限期地扩展不扩散核武器条约部分代价埃及答应帮助中东地区建立一个核武器区域

    In 1995, as part of the price for extending the NPT indefinitely, Egypt extracted a promise to help set up a zone free of nuclear weapons (and other weapons of mass destruction) in the Middle East.


  • 双方同意伊朗根据不扩散核武器条约》拥有和平利用核能权利,同时伊朗也应履行条约规定的相应国际义务。

    The two sides agreed that Iran has theright to peaceful uses of nuclear energy under the NPT and it shouldfulfill its due international obligations under that treaty.


  • 双方同意伊朗根据不扩散核武器条约拥有和平利用核能权利,同时伊朗也应履行条约规定相应国际义务

    Both sides agreed that Iran has the right to peaceful USES of nuclear energy under the Non-Proliferation treaty and that Iran should fulfill its due international obligations under that treaty.


  • 我们要求别人负责的同时,我们履行自己对《不扩散核武器条约》承担的义务,为实现核武器世界努力。

    And while we hold others to account, we will meet our own obligations under the Non-Proliferation Treaty, and strive for a world without nuclear weapons.


  • 双方同意伊朗根据不扩散核武器条约拥有和平利用核能权利,同时伊朗也履行条约规定的相应国际义务

    The two sides agreed that Iran has the right to peaceful USES of nuclear energy under the NPT and it should fulfill its due international obligations under that treaty.


  • 如果过去的几个月为着伊朗全世界展示如何能轻易惩罚违反条款,那么扩散核武器条约最终归于无用。

    If the months tick by with Iran demonstrating to all the world just how easy it is to break the treaty's rules with impunity, the NPT will finally be done for.


  • 美国作为致力于遵守《不扩散核武器条约》的核国家履行自己义务会加强我们确保其他国家尽职尽责的全球努力

    When the United States fulfills our responsibilities as a nuclear power committed to the NPT, we strengthen our global efforts to ensure that other nations fulfill their responsibilities.


  • 他说:“他们没有做出任何行动来向国际社会保证他们遵循不扩散核武器条约》,或者他们会停止制造核武器进程。”

    They have done nothing to reassure the international community that they are prepared to comply with the NPT or stop their progress toward a nuclear weapon.


  • 五月,《不扩散核武器条约成员国因五一次的条约修订而再次聚首是他们几年绘制新的核能路线图绝好机会。

    During the month of May the NPT's members, gathered for the treaty's five-yearly review, have the best opportunity in years to chart a new path.


  • 我们重申我们致力于能源的洁净安全和平使用,所有根据不扩散核武器条约》履行职责国家有权获得这样的核能。

    We renewed our commitment to clean, safe and peaceful nuclear energy, which must be a right for all nations that live up to their responsibilities under the NPT.


  • 直接安装这些系列标准的3路4路电磁安装配置不扩散核武器条约管道连接和安装配置取代已NAMUR标准

    Direct mount These Series are standard 3-way and 4-way solenoid valves whose NPT pipe connections and mounting configurations have been replaced by NAMUR mounting configuration.


  • 如果我们采取共同立场那么不扩散核武器条约联合国安理会信誉丧失殆尽国际法就会被弱肉强食法则取代。

    If we fail to stand together, then the NPT and the Security Council will lose credibility, and international law will give way to the law of the jungle.


  • 因此,伊朗陷于孤立不扩散核武器条约成员惟一国际社会相信核计划用于和平目的的国家——惟一的成员。

    And that is why Iran also stands alone, as the only member of the NPT unable to convince the international community that its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes — the only member.


  • 因此,伊朗陷于孤立不扩散核武器条约成员惟一国际社会相信核计划用于和平目的的国家——惟一的成员。

    And that is why Iran also stands alone, as the only member of the NPT unable to convince the international community that its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes — the only member.


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