• 世界天主教宗教领袖

    He is the spiritual leader of the world's Catholics.


  • 他们传承下来思想传统西方世界的主要宗教——犹太教基督教和伊斯兰教——奠定基础

    They carried with them the idea and the traditions that laid the foundation for the major religions of the western world: Judaism, Christianity and Islam.


  • 颠覆了所有这些思维习惯从根本上改变了我们世界体验影响政治宗教商业文化行为

    It overturned all of those habits of mind, fundamentally changing our experience of the world, affecting the conduct of politics, religion, business, and culture.


  • 净化去除邪恶罪恶宗教含义世界范围内,宗教仪式团队公开组建的主要形式之一并不奇怪

    The term "catharsis" has religious implications of removing evil and sin; it's no surprise that religious ceremonies are, around the world, one of the main settings for the release of the team.


  • 梦想世界各种宗教智慧融入到基督教。

    His vision is to blend Christianity with "the wisdom of all world religions."


  • 安德特人认为惯于吃人。此外,遍布世界诸多古代(甚至现代)文明都有食人的历史,这发生宗教仪式情况下。

    Cannibalism is believed to have been practised by the Neanderthals and, in a more or less ritualistic context, by many ancient (modern) human cultures the world over.


  • 之后,百分之59观众认为没有宗教信仰世界更加美好,然而,百分之31的人认为并非如此,他们促使一方为此项调查的赢家争论。

    Afterward, 59 percent of the audience agreed the world would be better off without religion, while 31 percent disagreed — making the side arguing for the motion the winners of the debate.


  • 话说,这些命题——就好像宗教信仰里面认为上帝创造世界一样——必须事实证据做为支撑,并且可以通过讨论现实世界中做实验方式来加以证明。

    In other words, they are claims - like the claim that God created the world - that are supported by evidence, that are proved by arguments and tested against our experience of the world.


  • 事实上传统宗教信仰活动世界一些地方日渐衰微的同时,在另外一些地方,它们却日益兴旺。

    In fact, while traditional religious affiliation and attachment is declining in some parts of the world, it is clearly on the rise in other parts of the world at the very same time.


  • 我们感谢随后生活土地一代又一代人们,不分种族宗教信仰,他们世界各地来到这里他们自己、也为我们建设美好的生活。

    We give thanks for the generations who followed-people of all races and religions, who arrived here from every country on Earth and worked to build something better for themselves and for us.


  • 其实事实这样世界很多了就会自己带来好运气的事情不过这些事情不是兔子(在古老的宗教信仰中,兔子被认为是神圣的,因为有神灵栖身在它身上)或者巫术。

    Truth is, there are plenty of things you can do to give yourself more luck, and none of them involve rabbit’s feet or voodoo.


  • 诗人运用象征隐喻神话模式,将现实理想古代当代宗教异教杂糅在一起构成了一充满艺术想象虚幻世界

    By using the mythology pattern standing for metaphor, the poet blended reality and ideal, ancient times and modern times, religion and paganism, forming a visionary world full of artistic imagination.


  • 即使不一定会有任何特定宗教信仰,你也超出物质世界精神领域有所关注

    Even if you do not actively believe in a particular religion, you will be concerned with an aspect of the universe that is higher than everyday material reality.


  • 世界文学神话复兴潮流以及日本传统文化原始宗教信仰影响,宫氏动画充满魔幻的色彩,主要角色大都具有神奇的魔力;

    Influenced by the trend of "mythology revival" in the world literature and primitive religion in Japanese traditional culture, HayaoMiyazaki's cartoons are filled with magic features.


  • 邮票取材世界各国宗教代表印度教的邮票出于17世纪、现存印度孟买的1幅画作。

    The stamps were drawn from religious images around the world. The Hindu stamp was taken from a picture that hangs in Bombay, India, and was painted in the 17th century.


  • 邮票取材世界各国宗教画,代表印度教邮票出于17世纪、存印度孟买的1画作。

    The stamps were drawn from religious images around the world. The Hindu stamp was taken from a picture that hangs in Bombay, India, and was painted in the17 th century.


  • 这种文艺宗教指导下,笔下出现了“两个相互对立文学世界湘西世界都市世界

    Guiding by the new religious view, he wrote two contradictory literary world, "sacred" and "secular" worlds, also called western world and urban world.


  • 这样一来传统崇拜式佛教里,我们包容信仰宗教崇敬那一面回避了脚踏实地世界批评探索任务

    Thus with traditional buddhist pietism we can embrace the religious side of faith and devotion but shy off from the hard-headed world-view and the task of critical inquiry;


  • 来自世界各国许多最有权势政界宗教以及文化界人物参加今年瑞士达沃斯召开世界经济论坛

    Many of the world's most powerful political, business, religious, and cultural leaders will attend this year's world Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.


  • 现代西方世界语境中,对任何类似力量缺席假设如此深入以至于宗教信仰几乎无法明确阐释

    In the modern West there are contexts where the absence of any such power is so deeply assumed that religious belief becomes almost impossible to articulate.


  • 美国新泽西慈济不同宗教团体感恩节一天一起举办祈福会,祈求世界和平今天节目就这里,星期

    In New Jersey, United States, Tzu Chi and various religious groups came together to pray for peace and harmony on Thanksgiving day. That's all we have time for today. See you next week.


  • 他们操持不同语言携带不同文化风俗代表世界上不同的民族不同肤色不同的宗教信仰。

    They come speaking different languages, bringing with them diverse cultures and customs, and representing the world's various nationalities, colors and creeds.


  • 他们操持不同语言携带不同文化风俗代表世界上不同的民族不同肤色不同的宗教信仰。

    They come speaking different languages, bringing with them diverse cultures and customs, and representing the world's various nationalities, colors and creeds.


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