Compared to the Eastern Empire, the Western Empire had many disadvantages, including more foreign enemies and fewer material and human resources.
The division of the Roman Empire into two parts was particularly damaging for the Western Empire because it relied on the Eastern Empire for economic support.
Fix for the wrong port building being specified in the Divine Triumph Victory requirements for the Eastern Roman Empire.
Albanians in the Balkans on the ancient inhabitants were descendants of Ilya. 4 century AD, was a part of the Eastern Roman Empire.
Founded in 658 B. C. , Istanbul is once the capital of Eastern Roman Empire and the Ottoman Empire, the terminus of ancient silk-road.
In the year 420, during the war between the Eastern Roman Empire and Persia, 7000 Persians were brought prisoners to Amida, where they suffered extreme want.
最著名的有圣索菲亚大教堂(532- 537年),由东罗马帝国国王查士丁尼一世在君士坦丁堡修建。
Byzantine churches, domed and decorated with mosaics, proliferated throughout the Byzantine Empire; most notable is the Hagia Sophia (532-537), built by Eastern emperor Justinian I at Constantinople.
From that base he soon began a long series of saber-rattling negotiations with the capitals of the Roman Empire at Constantinople in the East and Ravenna in the West.
Raw silk was obtained only from Asia until 550 AD, when two monks sent from the Roman Empire secretly stole silkworm eggs from China and brought them to Europe.
Raw silk was obtained only from Asia until 550 AD, when two monks sent from the Roman Empire secretly stole silkworm eggs from China and brought them to Europe.