• 个人电脑世界描述道Google新的目标是组织全人类无知

    PC World describes a new Google effort to organize all of human ignorance.


  • 互联网巨头承诺将于今年底某些时候发布针对个人电脑操作系统,借此向微软这个世界最大软件公司发起直接进攻

    By promising to release, at some point later this year, an operating system for personal computers the online giant is launching a direct attack on Microsoft, the world's biggest software firm.


  • 但是我们相信个人电脑改变世界今天看来果真如此

    But we believed that personal computers would change the world.


  • 戴尔执着似乎回报这个曾经世界最大个人电脑制造商,把王冠惠普之后正在重新获得市场份额

    Mr Dell's tenacity seems to be paying off. His firm, which used to be the world's biggest maker of personal computers, but had lost its crown to Hewlett-Packard, is beginning to regain market share.


  • 第二季度中国超过美国成为世界最大个人电脑市场

    China surpassed the U.S. in the second quarter to become the world's largest market for personal computers.


  • 个人电脑彻底改变世界而今生物学数字化有望实现彻底的改变

    Personal computing altered the world forever, and now the digitization of biology is poised to bring about sweeping change.


  • 用于生产手机个人电脑每年世界产量的3%,的13%,的15%。

    Manufacturing mobile phones and personal computers consumes 3 per cent of the gold and silver mined worldwide each year, 13 per cent of the palladium, and 15 per cent of cobalt.


  • Hurd先生还让惠普重现昔日荣光————成为世界最大个人电脑制造商

    Mr Hurd restored HP to its former glory as the world’s biggest maker of personal computers.


  • 一般被认为是世界第一个个人电脑Kenbak吹捧一种易于使用教育工具的销量几十都不到。

    Often considered the world's first "personal computer" the Kenbak was touted as an easy-to-use educational tool, but it failed to sell more than several dozen units.


  • 操作系统应用不再运行员工个人电脑而是可以远程访问数据中心虚拟机上理论上可以世界任何一个人电脑来访问。

    Operating systems and applications will no longer run only on the employee's PC but on a virtual machine in a data centre that can be accessed remotely, theoretically from any PC in the world.


  • 儿时玩伴史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克创办苹果开始销售认为是世界第一个人电脑苹果二代

    He founded Apple with his childhood friend Steve Wozniak, and the two marketed what was considered the world's first personal computer, the Apple II.


  • 虽然惠普个人电脑业务顶着世界最大的光环,利润却不及公司其它部门丰厚。

    The firm’s PC business is the world’s biggest, but is not as profitable as HP’s other units.


  • 众所周知中国世界个人电脑家具等制成品最大生产国之一;不仅如此,中国日益成为重要农产品生产国

    China is already well known as one of the world's biggest makers of manufactured goods such as personal computers and furniture, but it is also an increasingly important producer of produce.


  • 回顾IBM个人电脑出现今天系统这段时间里软件进步时,有一趋势无法反驳的:IT世界在越复杂

    If you look at the progression of software from the introduction of the IBM PC to today's systems, one obvious trend is irrefutable: the IT world has gotten increasingly complex.


  • 十五年前世界90%个人电脑应用程序,只需你针对一种系统开发

    Fifteen years ago if you wanted to write an application that would run on over 90% of the world's personal computers, you only needed to target one OS.


  • 研究人员没有把药物检测项目分摊世界个人电脑用户金塔电脑用户,而是一步到位:分摊给世界上的超级计算机

    Instead of farming out their drug-testing project to the world's PCs and Macintoshes, they have gone for the jugular: the world's supercomputers.


  • 但是我们相信个人电脑改变世界

    But we believe that personal computer would change the world.


  • 所以当时苹果公司相对今天处在非常尴尬的位置时候供职Compaq公司曾经世界最大个人电脑生产商

    So Apple was in a very different place than it is today, and my employer at the time, Compaq computer, was the largest personal computer company in the world.


  • 陷入个人电脑神奇世界沉思时,互联网令人惊异的步伐闯入视野

    While I immersed myself in the wonder world of personal computer, Internet was in bursting into my eyeshot with its amazing pace.


  • 1977年发布世界第一个人电脑AppleII时,当1984年发布第一台Macintosh时,苹果理念出类拔萃的,现在市场的老大都不是

    The concept was championed by Apple when it launched Apple II, the world's first personal computer, in 1977, and the first Macintosh in 1984, but other players now lead the market.


  • 哈佛最难忘回忆之一,发生在1975年1月那时宿舍楼里给位于Albuquerque的一家公司打了一个电话,那家公司已经在着手制造世界第一个人电脑

    One of my biggest memories of Harvard came in January 1975, when I made a call from Currier House to a company in Albuquerque that had begun making the world's first personal computers.


  • 80年代初计算机行业的王牌公司美国国际商用机器公司(IBM)生产出了世界第一个人电脑

    In the early 1980s, the computer giant, IBM produced the world's first Personal computer.


  • 一方面,微软授权任何过去电脑公司运行正版Windows——今天世界有90%的个人电脑运行Windows

    Microsoft, on the other hand, licensed Windows to any old computer company-and today Windows runs 90 percent of the world's PCs.


  • 记住电脑世界还有用户想象得到各种各样的电脑组成的,个人电脑苹果电脑,再到Linux工作站,甚至还有你的邻居库里组装而成的电脑

    Remember, the world (and its users) is made up of every kind of computer imaginable, from PCs to Macs to Linux workstations to the one your neighbor assembled in his garage.


  • 记住电脑世界还有用户想象得到各种各样的电脑组成的,个人电脑苹果电脑,再到Linux工作站,甚至还有你的邻居库里组装而成的电脑

    Remember, the world (and its users) is made up of every kind of computer imaginable, from PCs to Macs to Linux workstations to the one your neighbor assembled in his garage.


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