Its scope is mass production of customizing product or service.
It was useful for customization, authoring, and even publishing activities.
New product concept, a high degree of customization, beyond the traditional modeling.
And as a concept into the customization platform for enterprise and individual character, five line.
Report parameters are parameters that are exposed to the end user of the report and are often used to personalize the report for a given user.
I didn't like its excessive automatic operations and its lack of easy inexpensive customization.
They have a host of impressive capabilities – from a scalable platform and leading spam protection, to great personalization and customization.
Therefore we need to design a CRM system according to actual circumstance of different establishment while the process of design is a course of personalized customization.
Individual customization is a new arisen manufacturing and marketing mode that applies the information technology and network technology.
Compared with the traditional video services, the personalization system can better meet the needs of users, improves service quality, and enhances the user experience.
To the high technology readiness group, flexibility, personal customization, image-building have positive impacts on perceived value.
The paper states how to determine customization level after carrying out the MC strategy and possessing a definite MC ability.
The company has developed a new kind of modular toothbrush with a choice of brush heads and handles that can be customised to match customers' aesthetic tastes and brushing needs.
It is an inevitable trend for GCAD system to convert from 2D to 3D due to 3D computer technology's maturity and the necessity of customized garment.
The course materials should therefore ideally be customized to deal with such situations in order to explain the new mode of operation and properly position the best practices of the new tool.
Personalized customization has become a trend. If you want to be the best one in the growing hotel industry, you must have your own unique personality.
比如jsr - 47这类标准支持的个性化定制、工具和报告服务,这类标准定义了用于错误和跟踪记录的标准日志api。
Some examples include personalization, utility, and reporting services supported by standards such as JSR-47, which defines a standard logging API for error and trace logs.
Can you offer food to a homeless shelter or even round up some volunteers?
The customized CAPP system requests that CAPP system must face to the users to design and must supply definition function to the users, so as to improve the adaptability of the system.
The paper put forward the develop trend of fashion in 21century: diversified culture mixed, casualness, season undistinguished, electronic, environmental protection, individually custom- tailor.
Outrace can satisfy both basic as well as high-end customization, hence, as Zhang Jun put it, the company is ready to provide premium services to American LED brands.
It is more like a digital news-stand than a personalised magazine: users can subscribe to various publications, but must read each one separately instead of seeing all their stories together.
That is, we need to first customize UML to model an SOA solution architecture, and then we need to use a particular modeling style to produce models that can be translated to Web services.
要获得描述性更好的URI,需要定制控制器代码以支持个性化的 URI。
To generate more-descriptive URIs, you'll customize controller code to support the personalized URIs.
Blogging communities operate under a private label and their own individual domain names and can be customized to reflect the look and feel of any organization.
Blogging communities operate under a private label and their own individual domain names and can be customized to reflect the look and feel of any organization.