The China Southern Airlines GuangZhou office, Can I help you?
Flying China Southern Airlines, flying with the most Perfect service.
This is the China Eastern Airlines, China Southern Airlines will serve as the first national capital injection.
China Southern Airlines co., the country's biggest carrier, opened its first flight-training facility to ensure supply of new pilots for its growing fleet.
China Southern airlines ranks 3rd in the world in terms of traffic with 66.28m passengers in 2009, the first Chinese airlines to enter the top 3.
But three of the world’s leading airlines by market capitalisation are from East or South-East Asia: Air China, Singapore Airlines and China Southern Airlines.
上证综指成份股中交易最活跃的股票是中国南方航空(China Southern Airlines)。按机队规模衡量,南航是中国最大的航空公司。
The most actively traded stock on the Shanghai index was China Southern Airlines, the nation's biggest carrier by fleet size.
But three of the world's leading airlines by market capitalisation are from East or South-East Asia: air China, Singapore airlines and China Southern airlines.
DD Airline is representative in civil aviation and will join into China Southern Air Holding Company soon; the work of merger is in the process.
中国南方航空股份有限公司(China Southern Airlines Ltd。)有望成为中国首家接收梦想飞机的航空公司,预计波音将于明年交货。
China Southern Airlines Ltd. is in line to become the first Chinese airline to receive the Dreamliner, with Boeing expected to make the delivery next year.
China Southern Airlines Company Limited is the largest transport plane, the densest route network, in the largest airline in passenger traffic.
China Southern Airlines Company Limited is the largest transport plane, the densest route network, in the largest airline in passenger traffic.