Youngsters, in China and elsewhere, need to have the grounding to assess whether a computer-generated answer is close to right before they start to rely on whizzy technology.
Average cloud cover derived from local weather records (Table 17) is a discouraging 61%, one of the best in China, but is high compared to cloud amounts at recent eclipses in other parts of the globe.
Shanghai, China: unlike the other famous city in China, Beijing, Shanghai doesn't have the imperial majesty, but it does have urban pulse unlike anywhere else in the country.
Many solar firms, Chinese and otherwise, are now furiously selling inventory-the bane of an industry where prices are falling-at a loss.
Several times I had trips planned but some other urgent priority would come up and I would be vectored off in another direction.
An open question to readers in China and the rest of the world, then: are you trying to do this? How?
Buddhist architecture as a unique system in the traditional Chinese architecture has different architectural and decorative features from other styles.
中国-上海 :和中国另一个著名城市北京不同,上海没有着帝王的威严,但它确实有着区别于其他地方的自己的都市脉搏。
Shanghai, China : Unlike the other famous city in China, Beijing, Shanghai doesn't have the imperial majesty, but it does have urban pulse unlike anywhere else in the country.
A surprising amount of valuable information on Chinese markets and instruments is available today from accredited sources as discussed elsewhere.
A surprising amount of valuable information on Chinese markets and instruments is available today from accredited sources as discussed elsewhere.