• 其它条件正常的情况下,每个气温超过临界值日子至少会降低1%的年产量

    In otherwise normal conditions, every day the temperature is over this threshold diminishes yields by at least 1%.


  • 如果数据请求超过临界值,那么就会弹出条消息显示目前有多少数据请求等待处理

    If the number of data requests exceeds the threshold level, a message should pop up to show how many data requests are in queue waiting to be processed.


  • 他们发现了惊奇的一幕:超过临界值增加关联使系统能力突然降低,并在干扰反弹

    They discovered something startling: that beyond a certain threshold, increasing the connectivity would suddenly decrease the ability of the system to rebound after disturbances.


  • 风速达到每小时111英里至130英里(179公里至209公里),三类风暴认为超过临界值进入热带气旋”状态

    With winds of 111 to 130 miles (179 kilometers to 209 kilometers) an hour, a Category 3 storm is considered to have crossed the threshold into "major hurricane" status.


  • 资源消耗超过临界值时弹出临界值缩略窗口发出警告

    A threshold Windows thumbnail to alert you when resource consumption exceeds the threshold level.


  • 如果出现缩略窗口显示资源消耗超过临界值那么它应该

    If the thumbnail window shows resource consumption has exceeded the threshold level, it should.


  • 合金表面电镀厚度超过一个临界值,表面电镀纯铜处理可以明显改善材料氧化剥离性。

    As the electroplating pure copper layer on copper alloy exceeds a critical thickness, the surface electroplating treatment can improve the copper alloy's resistance against oxidation failure greatly.


  • 由于仍然拥有超过临界值4%的支持率——至少Demoskop的估测中这样——如果现在正在举行选举的话,他们应该还是能够重返议会的。

    Being still above the 4% threshold-at least on Demoskop's measure-they would make it back into parliament if an election were held now.


  • 质量超过临界值时,增加引力造成恒星无限坍缩

    The addition of matter over this critical value would lead to the collapse of the star without limit because of the ever-increasing gravitational forces.


  • 兴奋刺激超过临界值以前毫无反应。

    Nothing happens until the excitatory stimulus exceeds a certain " threshold " value.


  • 并以腰鼓变形是否超过临界值作为焦炭塔判废标准之一。

    One of criteria for coker drum invalidation is whether the loin-drum deformation has exceeded the critical value.


  • 临界值规则特定的效能计数器有关违规指的是效能计数器超过未达设定值。

    Threshold rules are associated with specific performance counters, and violations indicate that a performance counter exceeded or fell below a set value.


  • 突出煤层压后用钻孔瓦斯涌出速度进行工作面预测效果检验时经常超过突出临界值造成开采保护层后煤层突出危险性更大现象。

    The main factors affecting the initial speed are studied and the causes of initial speed from borehole gas emission often exceeding limit theoretically explained.


  • 激光能量密度低于某一临界值时,点火延迟时间随激光能量密度提高而线性变短,然而激光能量密度超过临界值后,激光点火延迟时间保持恒定

    The delay time of ignition is shorted with the rise of the energy density of laser linearly, but when the energy density increases over a critical value, the delay time keeps constant.


  • 兴奋刺激超过临界值以前毫无反应。

    Nothing happens until the excitatory stimulus exceeds a certain 'threshold'value.


  • 适于防止身体通道体腔内部压力超过临界值

    The valve is suitable for preventing an inner pressure within the body channel or cavity to exceed a threshold value.


  • 一定范围内增强搅拌强度有利于微细粒赤铁矿分散搅拌强度超过某一临界值分散效果

    The hematite can be better dispersed with the increase of stirring speed in a range, but the dispersion becomes worse when the stirring speed exceed a critical value.


  • 孔洞之间距离超过某一临界值影响很小,当小于临界值孔洞间距离减小应力集中急剧增加。

    The influence is very faint when the pitch of holes is beyond a critical value, and the stress concentration increases quickly with the decrease of the pitch of holes.


  • 初始损伤超过临界值显著地影响应力波动范围围岩应力分布

    The initially existing damage has apparently affected on wave stress propagation and stress distribution as long as its quantity exceeds a threshold value.


  • 挪威科学家巴拉特糟·巴塔认为,航空公司确定票价应该考虑到乘客体重所占空间。根据他的计划,体重超过一定临界值的乘客应该机票更多的钱,而体重较的乘客可以付些钱。

    Passengerss weighing above a certain threshold would pay more for their plane tickets and lighter ones would be charged less under plans put forward by Norwegian scientist Dr Bharat Bhatta.


  • 结果表明,在三光子 参量过程中也存在着一个临界值,即阈,且驱动强度超过临界值之后,便呈现出无序有序转变

    The result shows that there exists a critical value, when the driving strength is over it, the transition from disorder to order will occur.


  • 人力资本还存在一个“临界值”,我国教育年限超过10.5劳动力才能吸收外溢技术

    That is to say, only the labor force received more than 10.5 years'education can efficiently absorb the technology diffusion brought by the FDI.


  • 超过临界值复合材料强度降低出现“强”效应

    In excess of FPC, the tensile strength of the composite will decrease along with the content of the reinforcement, namely 'strength-reducing effect '.


  • 相对劳动生产率、贸易条件、开放度以及实际货币供给超过各自相应临界值这些经济要素变量对汇率影响下降很多甚至不再影响汇率;

    Once the economic variables transcend their corresponding threshold, their impact on exchange rate will decline a lot, what's more, maybe the impact will diminish.


  • 相对劳动生产率、贸易条件、开放度以及实际货币供给超过各自相应临界值这些经济要素变量对汇率影响下降很多甚至不再影响汇率;

    Once the economic variables transcend their corresponding threshold, their impact on exchange rate will decline a lot, what's more, maybe the impact will diminish.


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