• 俄罗斯人天性上素来具有二元对立思维模式

    Russians by nature have thinking patterns of duality antithesis.


  • 传统主客二元对立思维模式造成环境问题的深层原因

    Traditional and dual opposed think model is profound Reason which arise the environmental problem.


  • 我们生活一个对立世界正和等等

    We live in a world of duality, day and night, positive and negative, male and female, etc.


  • 西方古典美学强调主客二分对立的理性,强调外在、对抗。

    There are two basic points about modern aesthetics and western classical aesthetics.


  • 近期作品融合原本二元对立元素幅画作试图寻求一种新的和谐感

    His recent works involves the dichotomous elements in which each painting is in search of a new sense of harmony.


  • 索绪尔传统基本结构主义概念,启发,并塑造了赛义德,二元对立观点。

    This basic concept of structuralism in the Saussurian tradition is what creates, is what shapes binary arguments of the kind that one finds in Said.


  • 解除该二元对立同时,应建构二者翻译实践理论研究中的平等地位。

    In deconstructing their dualistic antithesis, it also constructs in both translation practice and research an equal relationship between the two.


  • 二元对立哲学思想运用到语言学研究创立索绪尔语言哲学思想

    Saussure put the idea of dualistic antagonism in the study of linguistics, creating his thought of linguistic philosophy.


  • 世纪交替之际,他们又超越二元对立思维模式进一步实现创作观念转变

    At the turn of this century, they surpass the thinking mode of dualism, and further achieve the change of creating concept.


  • 近代人类主体性张扬以及主客二元对立思维模式造成环境问题深层原因。

    The extension of modern human subjectivity and the thinking mode of binary opposition between subject and object are the root cause of environmental problems.


  • 解构主义哲学基础来自于对传统的二元对立瓦解,其矛头直指一切等级制中心制。

    On the other hand, it eliminates binary oppositions, questions scientism, and subverts the speech power, thus providing a philosophical and value basis for qualitative research.


  • 源于西方历史经验关于国家社会二元对立观点对于中国历史现象解释力是有限的。

    The concept of confrontation between state and society based on Western history seems not fit historical phenomenon in China very well in this case.


  • 仁一旦被主体化可能构成-二元对立现代发蒙框架从而难逃现代学问论固疾。

    Once the main body of the kernel, it could form a subject - object dualism of modern enlightenment framework to escape the diseases of modern knowledge of the solid.


  • 西方文化趋势认为身心两极二元对立佛陀与此相反,祂了解到身心之间有密切不可分的关连

    In contrast to a trend in western culture to posit a radical duality between the body and the mind, the Buddha saw the human mind and body as intimately interconnected.


  • 二元对立哲学视阈中,物质概念一个高度抽象概念,因而不再是指称现实的物质的概念;

    In the philosophical view of dual opposite, substance is a highly abstract concept. Therefore, it does not refer to the concept of substance in the real world any longer.


  • 十七文学研究价值正是在于一方面避免二元对立价值判断标准不能文学史评价总是"烧饼";

    The value of "Seventeen Years" literature is: On the one hand to avoid the criteria of judging the value with binary opposition, not allowing evaluation of literary history to be "turned biscuits";


  • 淮河文化中以老庄为代表道家思想,对于当今反对“人类中心主义”二元对立现代理性思维具有重要借鉴意义。

    The Taoist idea, which is the important part of Huaihe culture, will be of great importance and a salutary lesson to the modern rationalism that combats the anthropocentricism.


  • 它们形成中国古代二元对立批评格局这种格局对于扩充古代整体的音乐哲学美学思想容量起到积极作用

    They stick to themselves with noc ompromise, which plays an active role in enlarging the amount of ancient Chinese music-philosophy-aesthetics concept.


  • 建筑本质在于人的栖居这种思想我们提供了一超越主体客体理性非理性二元对立的形而上学传统思路

    The essence of architecture is dwelling. This thinking provides us a way which exceeds the traditional metaphysics of the dual-opposition between object and subject, reason and anti-reason.


  • 这种观点虽然新颖,却未能摆脱二元对立传统观念。笔者认为承认翻译文学的国籍的模糊性、双重性甚至游移性,才是出路所在。

    It is suggested in this paper that the way out is to give up the concept of binary opposition and to recognize the in-betweenness of translated literature.


  • 在此,达吉不仅关注移民现实境遇身份认同同时该文本表现出对中心与边缘、现实与虚构种种二元对立的固有界限的质疑和跨越

    Ondaatje not only concerned about the reality of the situation of immigrants and identity, his text also across all boundaries, such as center and edge, reality and fiction.


  • 稍有遗憾作品男性中心主义问题审视还没跳出二元对立性别框架,就使得作品虽然有了批判的深度,缺少建设价值

    But the only imperfect thing is that this movie confines its criticism to a boundary of dichotomy, which makes the movie stop short of constructive values.


  • 诉讼法学界关于客观真实法律真实争论是针对法律事实认定标准所产生的分歧,但是,争论并没有跳出主观与客观、事实与价值、形式与实质这种二元对立的思维模式。

    The controversies on the option between objective truth and legal truth which prevail in the academia of procedural law are in essence the disputes on the criterion to cognize the legal facts.


  • 我们需要跳出要么能源要么环境二元对立选择

    We need to move away from the binary choice of either power or environment.


  • 对于结构主义二元对立巴巴采取解构主义立场

    You can see that Bhabha takes, with respect to the binarism of structuralism, a deconstructive attitude.


  • 放下了你的大声报怨,元对立落后信仰,你也就离开了旧的地球

    You are letting go of what you have been kicking and screaming about, the duality and the polarity, the outmoded belief systems. So you are leaving old Earth behind.


  • 我们应该超越过去文艺商业片”的二元对立思维娱乐性重构的角度出发,实现从娱乐电影电影娱乐观念转变

    This article arguments that we should go beyond the past"literary films"and "commercial films" binary opposite thinking to change the concepts from "amusing films"to "film entertainment".


  • 我们应该超越过去文艺商业片”的二元对立思维娱乐性重构的角度出发,实现从娱乐电影电影娱乐观念转变

    This article arguments that we should go beyond the past"literary films"and "commercial films" binary opposite thinking to change the concepts from "amusing films"to "film entertainment".


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