Objective: To determine the contents of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) , docosapentaenoic acid (DPA) and docosahexaenoic acid(DHA)in harp seal oil by capillary gas chromatography.
虽然人体可以自动将 α-亚麻酸(ALA)转换成 二十碳五烯酸(EPA)和二十二碳六烯酸(DHA) ,但转换率很低,人们需要食用大量含有 α-亚麻酸(ALA)的食品才行,这种做法可行性不高。
Although human can convert alpha-linolenic acid(ALA)to EPA and DHA, the conversion rate is so low, you need eat a lot of food contain ALA, that's make it impractical.
用尿素沉淀法和分子蒸馏法研究了二十碳五烯酸(简称e P A)、二十二碳六烯酸(简称d H A)乙酯的分离提纯。
In this study, urea inclusion method and molecular distillation method were applied in the purifications of ethyl ester of EPA and DHA.
Thecontents of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), EPA and DHA compose 25.26% to27.21% of the total lipid. EPA and DHA contents in soft body, digestive gland andgonad are insignificantly different.
Thecontents of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), EPA and DHA compose 25.26% to27.21% of the total lipid. EPA and DHA contents in soft body, digestive gland andgonad are insignificantly different.