Methods Detection was carried out according to the bacterial endotoxin test procedure and guidelines in Chinese Pharmacopeia, 2005 edition.
方法依照《中国药典》2 0 0 0年版二部附录的方法和指导原则。
METHODS The detection was carried out according to the principle and procedure in China Pharmacopeia (2000 edition).
Methods: the test was performed by the Turbidimetric-kinetic method that had been given by the Chinese Pharmacopoeia (Edition 2000).
According to the "sterile test method" which is recorded in the appendix in Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2005 Edition), the methodology validation is experimented with Gentamycin sulfate injection.
附录b:服务范围的多变性,第一卷第二部分,第1- 4页。
Appendix b: Mobilization Scope of Services. Volume 1, section II, pp. 1-4.
附录b:服务范围的多变性,第一卷第二部分,第1- 4页。
Appendix b: Mobilization Scope of Services. Volume 1, section II, pp. 1-4.