Antibodies respond to the quaternary structure of proteins so their potential to cross-react with an alloantigen is very low.
The McAbs had no cross reaction with all the mentioned antigens.
A common genus antigen can be detected in disrupted virions of all species, but most species show no serological cross reactions.
All of the antigens were reacted with sera from cysticercosis patients in ELISA but showed no cross reaction in IHA.
Meantime, serovartype-specific antibody could not be detected by ELISA with type-specific antigen, the cross-reaction might be due to the presence of homogeneous antigens among UU species.
Objective: to approve there are common antigen epitopes and cross-reaction lying between oilseed rape Brassica campestris l.
Antisera against KLH induced positive CHR but not positive COP. The results of reciprocal inhibition experiment indicated that there is a partial cross antigenicity between KLH and SEA.
The purpose is to find out the most serotype-specific antigen through the cross-reaction test between different APP serotype, and can provide information for identifying the APP serotype.
一些非鼻咽癌肿瘤能与BAE-5起阳性反应,可能是由于这些肿瘤细胞中也有EB病毒早期抗原存在或者可能存在与EA-R 抗原决定簇相类似结构的多肽而引起交叉反应。
Some non-NPC neoplasms being demonstrated BAE-5 positivity may be due to the presence of EBV EA-R antigenic epitope or polypeptides simulating the structure of EA-R.
Antibody against native LDH-C4 is specific to spermtozoa and is not cross-reactive with somatic LDH isozymes.
We conclude that the anti-dengue antibodies that cross-react to autoantigen will cause target cell to damage or function loss.
We conclude that the anti-dengue antibodies that cross-react to autoantigen will cause target cell to damage or function loss.