• 卡车产业衡量经济发展基准。

    The truck industry is a benchmark for the economy.


  • 提高利率使住房产业不堪负荷

    Higher interest rates are already pinching the housing industry.


  • 案子3月产业法庭审判

    His case comes before an industrial tribunal in March.


  • 产业原料便宜,不涨价

    The industry relies on the price of raw materials remaining low.


  • 这个委员会包括产业的代表。

    The committee includes representatives from industry.


  • 这一产业初期铁路建造相伴而生。

    The industry is coeval with the construction of the first railways.


  • 他们拒绝产业投入更多资金

    They are refusing to inject any more capital into the industry.


  • 所学院当地产业牢固的联系

    The college has strong links with local industry.


  • 业已成为一个快速发展休闲产业

    Whale-watching has become a growth leisure industry.


  • 新兴产业需要熟练技术工人,而当地没有。

    New industries demanded skilled labour not available locally.


  • 他们甚至指责政府贬低国家第4产业

    They even blame the government for talking down the nation's fourth biggest industry.


  • 媒体产业吸引了年轻有创造力人们

    The new-media industry attracts young and creative people.


  • 谈到环境污染问题化工产业祸害

    When it comes to pollution, the chemical industry is a major offender.


  • 各投资银行主要作用产业筹集资金

    The main function of the investment banks is to raise capital for industry.


  • 每年有两教师产业部门工作个月

    Each year two teachers are seconded to industry for six months.


  • 教育界产业之间应该更紧密联系

    There should be closer links between education and industry.


  • 私有化他们反对产业私有制原则违背

    Privatization goes against the grain of their principle of opposition to private ownership of industry.


  • 可以称之为研究,可产业情报刺探

    She may call it research; I call it industrial espionage.


  • 日本公司一直以来都在退出制造业转入房地产业

    Japanese companies have been turning away from production and have moved into real estate.


  • 罗马尼亚迫切需要援助过时产业进行现代化

    Romania badly needs aid to modernize its outmoded industries.


  • 这场纠纷可能会摧毁澳大利亚辛苦得来产业稳定声誉

    The dispute could destroy Australia's hard-won reputation for industrial stability.


  • 绝不接受我们产业私有化在当今不可避免这种看法。

    I reject absolutely the notion that privatization of our industry is now inevitable.


  • 如果此类材料能够普遍用于光学产业突破带来的收益巨大的

    If such materials became generally available to the optics industry the payoffs from such a breakthrough would be enormous.


  • 快速发展信息产业更是如此

    This is even more true of the fast-growing information industries.


  • 成为美国骡子产业

    That male donkey became the father of the mule industry in the US.


  • 成为美国骡子产业

    That male donkey became the father of the mule industry in the U.S.


  • 近年来,电子游戏产业迅速发展

    The video gaming industry has ballooned in recent years.


  • 英国铁路一个国有化产业

    British railways are a nationalized industry.


  • 第三构成我们经济产业持续变化

    Thirdly, the industry make-up of our economy is continually changing.


  • 第三构成我们经济产业持续变化

    Thirdly, the industry make-up of our economy is continually changing.


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