In English, it begins with the late novels of Henry James around 1900, in poetry with Eliot and with Ezra Pound.
The ascension window was built in 1885 in memory of rector Henry James Grasett.
In the Cage is a novella by Henry James, center on an unnamed London telegraphist.
Henry James is an author with feminine perspective and sensibility.
"She gave the treacherous impulse time to subside" (Henry James).
The first chapter aims to discuss the novel theories before Henry James.
Long complex sentences are distinctive of Henry James's later style.
The Turn of the Screw is one of the controversial short stories of Henry James.
I secretly hoped for a literary descendant of Henry James — someone more talented than I, someone brilliant without even trying.
Henry James is generally acknowledged as one of the greatest American novelists and critics.
The paper wants to analyse this idea, based on the characteristic of Henry James' ghost literature.
But, she added, "Can you any longer read Henry James or George Eliot?"
The characters in Henry James' novels are forever paying calls on each other, usually in the parlor of some residence.
It seems that Henry James aims at portraying a "new woman" : Isabel Archer who is frequently labeled as an independent lady.
“去评判意味着去欣赏、挪用、占有知识财富” (亨利·詹姆斯)。然而,这个词通常含有不同意的意思。
"To criticize is to appreciate, to appropriate, to take intellectual possession" (Henry James). Usually, however, the word implies the expression of disapproval.
In English it begins with the late novels of Henry James around 1900, in poetry with Eliot and with Ezra Pound.
不要害怕生活。相信生命是值得的,而你的信仰将有助于创造这个事实。- - - - - -亨利·詹姆斯。
Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact. Henry James.
Henry James did write all of his own works, because nobody else could be that boring, and, more significant, no one else has ever bothered to claim them.
Henry James wrote: 'I am sort of haunted by the conviction that the divine William is the biggest most successful fraud ever practised on a patient world'.
One critic has christened the two types of authors "palefaces" and "redskins," taking Henry James and walt Whitman as representative figures.
This thesis is mainly about Henry James' famous "international theme" and how he USES image patterns in the novel the Portrait of a Lady to reflect this theme.
作为一位小说家、戏剧家、文学批评家,亨利·詹姆斯(1843- 1916)在英美文学史上都占有重要的地位。
As a novelist, dramatist, and literary critic, Henry James (1843-1916) occupies an important position in both American and English literary history.
In the Portrait of a Lady, American writer Henry James, in a new tradition, depicts the heroine, Isabel, as with a sense and an inclination of futurism.
In the Portrait of a Lady, American writer Henry James, in a new tradition, depicts the heroine, Isabel, as with a sense and an inclination of futurism.