• 人们后来发现篇报告弄错了

    As it turns out, the report was mistaken.


  • 人们后来发现安娜第一次引起皇室注意在那年四月姐姐婚礼上当时伴娘

    Diana, it was discovered later, first came to the attention of the royal family when she acted as a bridesmaid for her sister Jane's wedding that April.


  • 石棉纤维耐热防火、不化学品发生反应,曾广泛用于建筑业绝缘材料人们后来发现石棉会引发石棉沈滞病、肺癌、间皮和其他癌症。

    Asbestos fibres, resistant to heat, fire and chemicals, were widely used in construction and insulation before being linked to asbestosis, lung cancer, mesothelioma and other cancers.


  • 随着英格利斯后来其他商人开始工作改装后电话亭开始城市乡村重新出现,人们发现它们用途

    As Inglis and, later other businessmen, got to work, repurposed phone boxes began reappearing in cities and villages as people found new uses for them.


  • 但是后来人们发现实际上大量日本家庭主妇做这件事情,制止家庭主妇做套利交易,难度非常大。

    But people found afterwards that, actually a mass of Japanese house wives were doing this, while it's very hard to stop house wives to do this.


  • 但是,后来人们发现实际上大量的日本家庭主妇在做这件事情,要想制止家庭主妇做套利交易,难度非常大。

    Later, people found out that in fact it was Japanese housewives who were behind this, and it was extremely difficult to prevent them from Carry Trade.


  • 但是后来人们发现实际上大量的日本家庭主妇这件事情,而要想制止家庭主妇做套利交易难度非常

    However, later we found that, as a matter of fact, a large number of housewives in Japan were involved in the carry trade and it was hard for prevention.


  • 但是后来人们发现实际上大量的日本家庭主妇在做这件事情,而要想制止家庭主妇做套利交易难度非常大

    But later on, people found that the actual doers were Japanese housewives, thus adding the difficulties to stop them from conducting Carry Trade.


  • 引起人们更多好奇心的是,正如德萨尔乐研究小组发现的一样,这些简单动物属于这样一类有机体,它们那些后来演变人类的生物体是平行进化的。

    More intriguingly, these simple creatures belong to a group of organisms that, as DeSalle's team discovered, evolved in parallel to those that later developed into humans.


  • 尽管人们进行了大规模的常规搜索(后来使用了更多带有异国风情方法,包括通灵一个廓尔喀族人空降柬埔寨),却发现的丝毫踪迹。

    Despite a huge conventional search operation (followed by more exotic efforts involving psychics and a Gurkha parachuted into Cambodia), no trace was ever found of him.


  • 后来常见癌症的处置上发现类似观点,总是得不到人们的接受赞赏

    Then it was discovered in common cancers as well, but it is still not always accepted or appreciated, he said.


  • 但是后来人们发现,实际上大量日本家庭主妇这件事情,要想制止家庭主妇做套利交易难度非常大。

    However, it turned out later that large Numbers of Japanese housewives were doing that. But it was very difficult to stop housewives from doing carry trades.


  • 但是后来人们发现,实际上大量的日本家庭主妇这件事情,要想制止家庭主妇做套利交易,难度非常大。

    However, it is found that the speculations were mostly done by Japanese housewives, and it was difficult to prevent them from doing it.


  • 二十年前人们认为存在房产财富效应,后来虽然有研究发现房产价值变动消费支出影响股价变动而产生的影响要小得多。

    Two decades ago, it was considered to be non-existent. Then studies found that changes in property values did affect spending, but by less than changes in share prices did.


  • 但是后来人们发现实际上大量日本家庭主妇在做这件事情,而要制止家庭主妇做套利交易难度非常大

    But in fact it was a number of Japanese housewives who worked at carry trade. This means serious difficulty to prevent them.


  • 随着超声波扫描广泛使用人们越来越多地发现这样的情况:妊娠早期扫描发现了孪生胎,后来消失了

    And the widespread use of ultrasonic scanning means that, increasingly often, twins are spotted in early scans and subsequently vanish.


  • 后来,拉杜洛维奇先生发现人们需要自己民权问题发表各类演说

    Thereafter Mr Radulovich found himself in demand as a speaker on civil liberties.


  • 巴拉圭ache个种群,离开了他们的领土他们后来第一次与外界接触时,人们发现他们已经不会

    One group of the Ache people of Paraguay, cut off from its home territory, had lost use of fire when first contacted.


  • 过去人们认为南极洲的冰川会存在5000直到后来科学家们发现冰川正在意想不到速度消失。

    Sea ice in the Antarctic was supposed to last for 5, 000 years until scientists found that the melting was proceeding at a faster pace than expected.


  • 后来人们发现国王王后尸体他们郊游的时时候死去的。

    At last, people found the king and the queen were dead when they went out for a picenic.


  • 不过后来人们发现这种甲壳类动物很美味,于是,2001年就开始稻田里养殖

    Later, however, villagers came to find the shellfish tasty and started raising them in the paddies in 2001.


  • 后来人们发现一个秘密弟弟是以自己哥哥榜样的。

    Later it was discovered that a secret, my brother is his brother as a model.


  • 有一只老虎丛林跑村庄袭击了后来人们发现原来它的爪子受了伤,使显然不能像平时那样去猎食

    A tiger that once came out of the jungle into a village and attacked a man was later found to have an injured paw that had evidently prevented it from hunting its usual prey.


  • 后来人们发现这种结构非常有效,交通工程师着手间这项技术用于高速公路。

    Once people realized how well it worked, transportation engineers began applying the same techniques to highways.


  • 发现毕业被评为有魅力人们后来收入要高于长相一般的同事们

    He found that those rated attractive on the basis of their graduation photographs went on to earn higher salaries than their less well-favoured colleagues.


  • 后来他们发现黑人音乐十分振奋人心,得到了人们青睐,于是他们就开始演奏黑人音乐了。

    But they found that this music was getting so exciting, and that people liked this jazz, that they started playing it too.


  • 只是后来人们发现衣服可行的。

    It is only later that humans found clothing to be practical as well.


  • 后来人们在附近一个茂盛的树林中发现德的尸体

    Bird's body was later found in a densely wooded area nearby.


  • 最初人们担心他们小儿子真的气球内后来发现安全地藏在家中

    At first there were fears that their young son was actually inside of that balloon, but he was later found hiding safely at home.


  • 起初人们只是实验室里发现真空泵后来人们发现真空这一原则用于其他地方

    At first, vacuum pumps were found only in laboratories. Then it was found that the principle of the vacuum could be used elsewhere.


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