In the condition of morality heteronomy weakening and moral guidance being ineffective, we should strengthen mechanism of morality heteronomy to enhance the binding force of morality.
Morality is the non-right norm of how people having social usefulness act and the unity of self-discipline and discipline by others.
The transition from the moral discipline to self-discipline is inevitable.
Moral need, which is unique to humanity, is indeed one of the fundamental human needs and the ground for the change from moral heteronomy to moral autonomy.
To achieve the transition from moral discipline to moral self-discipline, we must establish a legal mechanism and combine moral discipline with self-discipline in moral educational practice.
Students immerse in the health moral environment and activate their culture require, and attain a change from heteronomy to autonomic in their moral perception;
The education of law, administration and morality are complementary and mutual.
The fourth part mainly is intended to put forward how to strengthen the self-discipline systems and other-discipline systems of the professional and moral construction.
The fourth part mainly is intended to put forward how to strengthen the self-discipline systems and other-discipline systems of the professional and moral construction.