• 是吧?使他者工具化

    Right? You're instrumentalizing the other.


  • 心理分析角度讲称为他者无意识话语

    We have understood this in psychoanalytic terms as the discourse of the otherness of the unconscious.


  • 一事实生动地表现在我们他者交往

    This truth can be seen most vividly in our interactions with other people.


  • 公认他者退却解释流行文化破解密文盛行

    The retreat of the accepted Big Other accounts for the prevalence of code-cracking in popular culture.


  • 我们必须理解不是对于他者拒绝,而是对于我们自身的拒绝。

    We have to understand that this is less about a refusal of the other than a refusal of the self.


  • 唯有充满诚挚慷慨自我放弃、油然而生的才能丰盛他者灵魂

    Only spontaneous love flowing with sincere generosity and self-abnegation can fertilize the soul of others.


  • 一种“消耗自己,造福他者行为,对于自身的基因是没有半点好处

    This is all on behalf of a cause other than one's own genetic fitness, of course.


  • 因此承认异性使之成为客观知识对象涉及到根本上中止对知识的追求。

    Thus, this acknowledgment of the otherness of the other, which makes him the object of objective knowledge, involves the fundamental suspension of his claim to truth.


  • Zakaria称之为‘他者崛起’,指出在很大程度上美国政策成功结果

    Zakaria refers to this as the 'rise of the rest' and notes that this is largely the result of successful U.S. policy.


  • 一方面,自我意识问题,包含中的问题,在婴儿他者意识,问题凸显出来

    Now on the other hand the problem of self the problem that's caught up in this vertical I comes into focus for the infant as the awareness of otherness or that which is alien.


  • 这种情况下列维·斯特劳斯开始保留每一文化充耳不权利甚或可其提出异议。

    In this situation, levi-strauss came to maintain the right of every culture to remain deaf to the values of the Other, or even to contest them.


  • 换句话说长期看来《拖车托尼中的声音不是个人声音,而是社会声音,他者的声音。

    What is spoken in Tony the Tow Truck, in other words, in the long run is not the voice of individual subjectivity but the voice of social togetherness, the voice of otherness.


  • (“有力文字——血,2000)正是这种自我他者之间模糊的界限成就了恩·赛德的独到之处。”

    (Strong Words, Bloodaxe, 2000). It is this blurred territory between the self and the other that Burnside has made particularly his own.


  • 了解一切应该了解的东西,某种意义上来说一个既入乡随俗,又紧握对被殖民他者的,控制权。

    He really knew everything there was to know and in a certain sense was a person who did go native while at the same time wielding with an iron grip of authority power over the colonized other.


  • 一种他者意识相遇,并且尝试掌握他者,弗洛伊德那个关于儿童语言中象征意义fort/da故事,uh-oh看似一种对自我的表达

    It is the encounter with otherness and the attempt to master otherness as in Freud's story of fort/da that this uh-oh seems to be expressing.


  • 个体认知各种主观因素影响除此之外,还要小心文化定见(culturalstereotyping),任何他者”(the o ther)的遭遇中都会出现

    Apart from the susceptibility of individual perceptions to subjective influences of various kinds, there is also the risk of cultural stereotyping which arises in any encounter with 'the other'.


  • 随着的名望下降支持渐渐而去。

    His supporters fell away as his popularity declined.


  • 气愤地指责调查诋毁家人

    He angrily accused the investigators of slandering both him and his family.


  • 提问达成了一致

    He agreed with the questioner.


  • 等到集会完全安静下来

    He waited until complete quiet settled on the assembly.


  • 继任任命时,风度退出了。

    He had bowed out gracefully when his successor had been appointed.


  • 批评抱怨真是放肆

    He told his critics they had a nerve complaining about him.


  • 追随们来说,是个一般的人物。

    To his followers he was a god.


  • 反叛俘虏了。

    He was taken prisoner by the rebels.


  • 暗杀声称单独作案。

    The assassin said he had acted alone.


  • 反叛俘虏了

    The rebels took him prisoner.


  • 最后离开之一

    He was among the last to leave.


  • 批评坚持认为阿尔及利亚许多问题负有责任。

    His critics maintain that he's responsible for many of Algeria's ills.


  • 为建房提供了现代化的木制构架

    He supplied housebuilders with modern timber frames.


  • 为建房提供了现代化的木制构架

    He supplied housebuilders with modern timber frames.


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