In the morning, we received yet another round of alarming employment figures - the worst in more than 30 years.
These downgrades were incorporated this week into lower estimates for productivity growth and higher readings for unit Labour costs, which rose by an alarming 4.5% in the year to the second quarter.
The data suggest that lately the country’s entrepreneurial growth-engine has been misfiring—which is alarming given the role it has played in creating employment.
"While reports from Mexico appear to be encouraging, and some are cautiously optimistic, we cannot afford to let down our vigilance," she said.
In fact, Asia needs to guard against a new and worrisome complacency.
I've never been interested in interior design or architecture, but this book taught me how to be aware of why certain Spaces are pleasing - or not. I think about it all the time.
"But despite the encouraging and very real progress made, it does not mean we can lower our guard," Dr Diouf warned.
The first challenge is West Brom on Saturday and there can be no bigger warning than the game last season when the newly-promoted Midlands side won 3-2.
Have you ever had a conversation that seemed enjoyable but left you feeling wary or uneasy? Your instincts are telling you that at least part of the fun was false.
While reports from Mexico appear to be encouraging, and some are cautiously optimistic, we cannot afford to let down our vigilance, "she said."
And in energy-saver, half-alert state, it's surprisingly easy to make a dumb mistake—or fail to react quickly to a change in circumstances.
And in energy-saver, half-alert state, it's surprisingly easy to make a dumb mistake—or fail to react quickly to a change in circumstances.