• 民族传统体育植根于乡土社会中,具有丰富历史价值现代价值内涵

    The national and traditional P. e, which is rooted from the rural society, has abundant historical and modern value.


  • 严格意义上讲理性科层制有效率组织能够体现稳定和平等的价值内涵

    Rigidly, the rational bureaucracy is efficient form and also reflects the value of its stabilization and equality.


  • 拍摄了大量商业摄影作品展现商家独特的卖点突显产品价值内涵

    Was also shot a large number of commercial photography, show business unique selling points, highlight the product 's value connotation.


  • 品牌价值内涵构成复杂性近似抽象性导致评估方法多元化评估结果差异化

    Brand value connotation and composition of complexity, and approximate abstractness, cause evaluation methods diversity and assessment results differentiation.


  • 权利能力私法体系基石范畴价值内涵而言,甚至是整个法制社会价值支点

    The right capacity is the basic category in private law. As far as its value meaning is concerned, the right capacity is the value fulcrum of the society ruled by law.


  • 如何认识制度变迁所体现价值内涵及其现实之间张力一直以来学术界关注热点问题

    How to understand the value system changes embodied the tension between reality and their meaning, have been the focus of attention is academia.


  • 发掘比较教育学丰富价值内涵独特学科功能作用探讨比较教育学身份问题具有重要意义。

    It is of great significance to study the identity of the comparative education science through exploring the rich value, connotation and distinct disciplinary function and influence of this subject.


  • 再次文章探讨回应法律所包含价值内涵认为回应型法内在价值在于实现原初权利”。

    Thirdly, it gives a study on the value included in the responsive law and finds that it aims to realize a kind of "original right ".


  • 论文图书馆文化哲学角度阐述了图书馆价值内涵论述了如何图书馆文化哲学指导下实现大学图书馆价值

    From the view of library cultural philosophy, this paper discusses the connotation of library values, and puts forth the measures of realization of university library values.


  • 借鉴资源环境经济学价值理念分析耕地价值内涵李嘉图地租理论出发,立足于耕地特殊属性,提出实现耕地经济价值评估理论模型

    Using basic conception of resource and environmental economics and starting from Ricardo's land rent theory, we put forth a model to express the total economic value of farmland.


  • 二者异、异中有同错落交叠状构成了龙朔宫廷诗坛实际状况,又以其审美趣味价值内涵初唐宫廷诗风的流变乃至一代“唐音”的形成产生深远的影响

    Both formed reality of poetry of Longshuo Palace, each of which has great influenced on both change of poetry style of the early Tang Dynasty and formation of "Tang Accent".


  • 6月一个欧洲最大保险业论坛同意2009年实施新的市场一致内涵价值(MCEV)准则。

    In June, a forum of Europe's biggest insurers agreed to implement new Market Consistent Embedded Value (MCEV) rules in 2009.


  • 购买高品质艺术品不能使你一夜暴富,因为艺术真正价值内涵只会随着时间的推移而显露

    Buying quality art is rarely a good way to make a quick buck. The true relevance of art reveals itself over time.


  • 应该相信除去没有价值东西外壳,慢慢地一次一地,就能揭示满足的真正内涵

    You trust that the peeling of your fluff will reveal - slowly, one layer at a time - contentment.


  • 理解自我价值内涵摆在眼前东西丰富。

    And I understand that there was more going on with his self-worth than met the eye.


  • 两者都特定作画程序与表达方式人文内涵价值标准

    Both of them have their own particular painting procedures, expressing ways, humane connotation and value standards.


  • 武术教学人格重塑品行修为等方面使读者显见人文内涵价值效用

    Make the readers understand its humane connotation and value effects in personality remold, and conduct cultivation of Wushu teaching.


  • 无论年代还是从自身美的形式以及建筑中的实用性来讲,都具有深厚文化内涵艺术价值

    It has deep cultural content and artistic value in terms of its age, forms of the beauty of its own and practicality in architecture.


  • 认为,本次展览所包含的艺术内涵重要学术价值不言而喻的,相信这些作品意大利人民带来美的享受和精神上愉悦

    The artistic connotation and important academic value of the exhibition is self-evident and I believe these works will bring visual beauty and spiritual pleasure to Italian people.


  • 蜀锦有着丰富文化艺术内涵欣赏收藏价值,故世人誉之“东方瑰宝、神州一绝”。

    Sichuan Brocade is endowed with rich cultural and artistic connotation as well as value for appreciation and collection.


  • 阐释高校资产管理内涵基础上,分析高校资产管理的价值定位

    Analyzes the value orientation based on interpreting the meaning of colleges and universities 'asset management.


  • 生活本身最具有审美价值, 具有丰富内涵所以生活一切传播过程、传播活动均具有审美价值、最能体现审美需求。

    The life itself has aesthetic value, has abundant connotation, so all propagating course, propagating activities of aesthetic value, can best embody the aesthetic need in life.


  • 当今哲学领域“中和”思想内涵挖掘现代价值研究与开发已经达到相当高度赋予这个传统概念强烈时代特征

    Nowdays, in the field of the pure philosophy, the study of its excavation and modern value has reached a considerable height, given the traditional concept of a strong character of the times.


  • 小说人物姓名背后隐伏着人物性格命运创作者爱憎褒贬有着深刻思想内涵审美价值

    Thus behind the name of the character hide the character's destiny and the composer's love and hatred and praise and contempt, which involve deep thinking connotation and aesthetic value.


  • 文化中国传统文化体系中的重要维,侠文化精神是侠文化之话语内涵价值核心

    The chivalrous culture is an important part of the system of the traditional Chinese culture and the spirit of chivalrous culture is the core value of its discourse connotation.


  • 品牌商品质量内涵市场价值评估系数识别徽记

    The brand is the valuation coefficient of the merchandise quantity content and the market value and identify the badge to record.


  • 本文终身学习内涵入手分析了终身学习的主要本质及其教育价值取向社会价值取向。

    This article starts from the intension of lifelong learning, discusses the main essence of lifelong learning and its trend of educational value and social value.


  • 本文终身学习内涵入手分析了终身学习的主要本质及其教育价值取向社会价值取向。

    This article starts from the intension of lifelong learning, discusses the main essence of lifelong learning and its trend of educational value and social value.


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