And also just from the pharmaceutical industry's point of view of breaking down of national barriers to their ability to price discriminate across different geographies.
It shall be unlawful for any person engaged in commerce, in the course of such commerce, knowingly to induce or receive a discrimination in price which is prohibited by this section.
Firstly, we studied the method and characteristics of second-degree price discrimination that was enforced by monopoly enterprise on the basis of documents available.
This kind of price discrimination may hurt competition by giving favored customers an edge in the market that has nothing to do with the superior efficiency of those customers.
The introduction part explains the causes of the subject, describes the present academic research on price discrimination and presents the research methods of this thesis.
We studied and compared the static and dynamic games of two oligarchic enterprises on second -degree price discrimination under the condition of linear demand functions.
The introduction part explains the causes of the selection of the subject, describes the present academic research on price discrimination and presents the research methods of this thesis.
A systematic mathematics analysis was presented on second-degree price discrimination. On the basis of quantitative analysis, we got some qualitative conclusions.
Specifically, the class consists of five themes: price discrimination, cartels and collusion, demand estimation, entry and market structure, and information economics.
There are three results: 1. We studied the reasonable divisional number of demands while second-degree price discrimination was enforced by two oligarchic enterprises.
The price discrimination is a kind of price decision of firms, and the decision of price is restricted by the firm's competition position and specific circumstances.
Of the five different calculation methodologies used by the Commerce Department to measure dumping , only one has any relevance to detecting market-distorting price discrimination;
The results are as the following: 1. the best division points of demand interval in the case of two stage pricing and three stage pricing are respectively given.
The price discriminator might need to create rate fences that will prevent members of a higher price segment from purchasing at the prices available to members of a lower price segment.
Section Two of the Sherman act, passed in 1890, made it a felony to "monopolize, or attempt to monopolize"; 1914's Clayton act added price discrimination and other activities that reduced competition.
The chapter three researches second price discrimination when two competition manufacturers make nth-pricing with the complete static games model, gives Nash equilibrium under this condition.
This paper analyzes the problem of maximizing the profit of monopoly market under the consumer switching condition which extents it from perfect price discrimination and uniform price to general form.
There have been many literatures of the relative merits of selling government bonds using a uniform-price auction rather than the traditional discriminatory-price auction.
There have been many literatures of the relative merits of selling government bonds using a uniform-price auction rather than the traditional discriminatory-price auction.