• 伦敦推销出版肯尼迪

    He was in London publicizing his new biography of Kennedy.


  • 观众欣赏了支球队娴熟接配合。

    The crowd enjoyed the team's slick passing.


  • 斯特默森了个球。

    Hirst rolled a short pass to Merson.


  • 珍妮这会儿不在给你吗?

    Jenny's not here at the moment. Can I take a message?


  • 肯定是从美国英国一种用法

    It's very definitely a usage which has come over to Britain from America.


  • 到处辞职了

    Rumours are rife that he is going to resign.


  • 访谈通过无线电波出去

    The interview went out over the airways.


  • 一个声音有线广播里大声地了出来

    A voice came booming over the PA.


  • 手腕了回来

    He threw the ball back with a quick flick of the wrist.


  • 诗人爱上诗歌使她名后世

    The poet fell in love with her and immortalized her in his verse.


  • 怎么知道想什么?我又不会心术

    How do I know what he's thinking? I'm not telepathic!


  • 到处都在要提拔了。

    It's widely rumoured that she's getting promoted.


  • 音乐声响亮刺耳,身后房间了出来。

    Music blared from the apartment behind me.


  • 消息渐渐了出来

    News is starting to trickle out.


  • 运球费里斯

    He dribbled the ball toward Ferris.


  • 公务员教师自由主义者们正在份请求召回请愿书。

    Public employees, teachers and liberals are circulating a petition for his recall.


  • 志愿者排成长龙着火房子里手手把贵重物品抢救出来。

    Volunteers formed a human chain to rescue precious items from the burning house.


  • 健是做什么的?

    What does Liu Chuanjian do?


  • 水浒》讲述了北宋的历史。

    The Water Margin tells the history of the Northern Song Dynasty.


  • 119名乘客对刘健表示感谢。

    The 119 passengers are thankful to Liu Chuanjian.


  • 名人》,又称《巨人三》,由罗曼·罗兰所写,讲述了不同领域的三个伟人:贝多芬,米开朗基罗和列夫·托尔斯泰。

    Celebrity Biography, also known as "Three Giants", written by Romain Rolland, about three great men in different fields: Beethoven, Michelangelo and Leo Tolstoy.


  • 典剧目有《梁山伯与祝英台》、《西厢记》、《白蛇》。

    The classics of the opera are Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, Romance of the West Chamber, Madame White Snake.


  • 健是我所认识的最优秀的飞行员之一。

    Liu Chuanjian is one of the most outstanding pilots that I have ever known.


  • 健被认为是一个英雄,因为他安全降落了受损的飞机。

    Liu Chuanjian is considered a hero because he safely landed the damaged plane.


  • 川航空3U8633航班的机长刘健被认为是我们的民族英雄之一。

    Liu Chuanjian, the captain of Sichuan Airlines 3U8633 flight, is considered to be one of our national heroes.


  • 称自己就像“《射雕英雄》中的郭靖一样,是一个笨拙的学生,但有一颗忠诚的心”。

    She calls herself "a clumsy (笨拙的) student, just like Guo Jing from Legends of the Condor Heroes, but one of loyal heart".


  • 国都有自己的国民体育项目,如今,一些流行的体育项目至世界各地。然而,大多数国家也会有人进行一些非常规的体育项目,这些项目的规则或奇怪或有趣。

    Every country has a national sport and some popular sports are now played across the world. However, in most countries, people also play unusual sports, with strange or interesting rules.


  • 丝绸玉器陶瓷西罗马。

    Silk, jade, ceramics and iron went west to Rome.


  • 坏事千里。

    Ill news travels fast.


  • 既然琴弦朝上的,声音天花板了,不是向观众那

    Since the strings faced upward, the sound was projected toward the ceiling rather than outward toward the audience.


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