The high cost of steam and the lesser need for speed kept the majority of the world's ocean freight moving by sail until the early years of the 20th century.
Low demand, wide uncertainty, and scant inflation is putting a lid on salaries.
Is it "cyclical," a problem of low demand, which more money could solve?
During periods of low demand, excess power is used to pump water into a higher reservoir.
Economists remain concerned that the sluggish economy could keep demand low, preventing manufacturers from returning to growth.
For example, say a manufacturing company is experiencing low product demand and therefore decides to sell off half its factory equipment at liquidation prices.
However, if the job to be filled is a managerial post in a large bureaucratic organisation, a candidate who las a high need for power and a low need for affiliation should be selected.
It has been proved that Low Till Farming increases harvests and reduces water use, and this method reduced the need for chemical products because there are fewer unwanted plants.
This requirement usually manifests itself in low granularity of data service interfaces.
Because of this rise in demand, the dramatic expansion of the quantity of "money" has not yet been inflationary.
"If all of a sudden people would demand lower salt because low salt makes them look younger, this problem would be solved overnight," he said.
It provides a framework to build device adapters for device communications, and also provides a location for business logic with low latency requirements.
It is hard to separate the impact of globalisation and IT on relative wages because they both reduce the demand for lowskilled workers.
As the producers tend to save more of their income than the consumers, more expensive commodities bear down on global demand.
For small applications with low performance requirements, there is no need for formal performance testing.
A low availability value may indicate a defect in the asset with respect to nonfunctional requirements.
In the past, the general public tend to think the demand for non-governmental schools only comes from high-income urban families instead of low-income rural areas.
Overall, the squid's energy requirements are 300 to 600 times lower than those of warm-blooded whales, the other top predators in Antarctic waters.
After all, central Banks usually cut interest rates in response to weak demand and low inflation.
But in 2008 the world's mines turned into a money pit, as everyone from car manufacturers to skyscraper developers pulled the plug on demand.
The 15-nation euro zone is fighting high inflation, low growth and dim short-term prospects for consumer and industrial demand as the global financial crisis unfolds.
Record low mortgage rates have lifted demand to refinance loans and buy homes.
Low bond yields should comfort central Banks: they are the main channel by which they hope to stimulate demand.
That would mark a total increase in global demand of less than 1% from 2007.
The proof, he says, was the strong demand for the commission's first issue of bonds this month to raise money for Ireland's bail-out, at an interest rate of only 2.6%.
Linux 被证明是一种高可靠性的技术,而ARM处理器以能在非常低的电源需求下发挥高性能而著称。
Linux is a proven technology that is highly reliable, and the ARM processor family is known for high performance on very low power requirements.
This is a typical way to plan for growth for web-based applications, because demand can be high one day and low another.
“俄罗斯的消费品需求从一个异常低的水准增长到了一个正常的水平。”莫斯科一家投资银行Troika的Mikhail Krasnoperov这样说道。
"Russian demand for consumer goods has increased from an abnormally low level to a normal level," says Mikhail Krasnoperov at Troika, an investment bank in Moscow.
“俄罗斯的消费品需求从一个异常低的水准增长到了一个正常的水平。”莫斯科一家投资银行Troika的Mikhail Krasnoperov这样说道。
“Russian demand for consumer goods has increased from an abnormally low level to a normal level, ” says Mikhail Krasnoperov at Troika, an investment bank in Moscow.
“俄罗斯的消费品需求从一个异常低的水准增长到了一个正常的水平。”莫斯科一家投资银行Troika的Mikhail Krasnoperov这样说道。
“Russian demand for consumer goods has increased from an abnormally low level to a normal level, ” says Mikhail Krasnoperov at Troika, an investment bank in Moscow.