The diagnostics Division covers the market for in vitro laboratory diagnostics, including immune diagnostics.
The invention provides the preparation method of liquor of enzyme combo in the outside diagnose reagent of enzyme immune body.
Roche Diagnostics is the premier In-Vitro diagnostics company, one of two business divisions of F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd (generally known as Roche Group).
Department has already established advanced scientific research platform of molecular biology, which can conduct researchs in raw materials of in vitro diagnostic reagent.
Roche is also the world leader in in-vitro diagnostics, tissue-based cancer diagnostics and a pioneer in diabetes management.
Methods Applied medical instruments 'quality management system, analyzed the emphasis of in vitro diagnostic reagents management, and gave the solution to it.
DiaSys diagnostic Systems GmbH is a multinational corporation specializing in developing, manufacturing and selling in vitro diagnostic products with headquarters in Frankfurt Germany.
China Medical Technologies, a company that is prospering by focusing on in vitro diagnostic devices, reported preliminary financial data from its fiscal 2008 year, which ended March 31, 2009.
China Medical Technologies, a company that is prospering by focusing on in vitro diagnostic devices, reported preliminary financial data from its fiscal 2008 year, which ended March 31, 2009.