Researchers still need to find a way to make entangled superconducting circuits last longer.
The thought behind escaping through shapeshifting is that your physical form is difficult to hold through entangling.
I felt her hand in my hair, fingers toying with the locks at my neck, ravelling them up, tugging.
Whatever the rule is, it applies to each of the entangled particles and will cause them to have the same spins.
The board should have ropes attached to each end so you can loop it over your neck.
Yet if the old dining hall, with its horribly long echo, feels in any way sinister, the unrestored assembly hall is the stuff of a Hammer House of Horror nightmare.
The other adds acetyl groups, which are slightly larger, to the proteins around which the DNA is coiled. This has the opposite effect, making gene expression easier.
My unfulfilled past clinging to me from behind making death difficult.
Histones make up the spool of proteins around which DNA winds so that it is packaged compactly in the nucleus.
His father's ghost, which he had seen, still haunted his imagination, and the sacred injunction to revenge his murder gave him no rest till it was accomplished.
The filament-winding machine using the new control strategy was accurate and reliable in the line type, and also the dynamic performance of the winding trolley during its speed change was improved.
The filament winding using the new method was accurate and reliable in the string pattern.
If the feather is too stiff to wrap around the shaft of the arrow, you can soften it by steaming it.
The reel is one of the important part of the coiled tubing unit, its use to wrap the coiled tubing uniformly, and make the coiled tubing string in and out of the reel smoothly.
FCR type adopted Japan technology, equipped with converse winding device to avoid get cross after winding.
分离的该第一铁芯与该第二铁芯便于供该线圈所缠绕,更利用 该包覆于该第一铁芯与该第二铁芯的基座使整体结构更加稳固。
The separated first iron core and the second iron core are easy for the coil to wind; furthermore, the base wrapping the first iron core and the second iron core leads to more stable whole structure.
趣道t WP导线环密绕固定传统技术,使导线环缠绕部位整齐美观而密实牢固。
BONTAO TWP (Traditional wrapping Technique) ensures a regular, neat, tight and secured wrapping for the line guide ring.
ConclusionThe intra-retinal collagen fibrils penetrating the ILL and mixing with the cortical vitreous fibrils appears to underlie the slow adhesion of the vitreoretinal interface with aging.
The system with friendly Chinese interface, quick and easy to operate, is a powerful tool for searching fors…
The system with friendly Chinese interface, quick and easy to operate, is a powerful tool for searching fors…