Many years ago I tried to explain this by considering a hypothetical world of perfectly flexible prices and a fixed money supply.
Formally, if s(p)gives the quantity supplied for each price p, the elasticity of supply, denoted h (the Greek letter “eta”, chosen because epsilon was already taken) is
Besides, the more constraint put on opportunities of factor marketing, the less the reservation price and the elasticity of supply was, therefore the share of factor income became less.
It is more barrier to enter and retreat from the basketball market for the professional basketball clubs, the elasticity of the professional basketball clubs is feeble.
In the sample interval, the price elasticity of aggregate supply in Japan is only 0.15, which is a very weak state.
Grain price is sensitive to the change of production, though the supply elasticity is low and has limited effect to coordinate grain production.
Price elasticity of supply is a measure of the responsiveness of changes in quantity supplied to changes in price.
Price elasticity of supply is a measure of the responsiveness of changes in quantity supplied to changes in price.