• 谈话夹杂了很多俄国谚语

    His conversation was larded with Russian proverbs.


  • 这部电影俄国革命时期背景。

    The movie is set at the time of the Russian revolution.


  • 一种伪装俄国腔调说话

    She spoke with a phoney Russian accent.


  • 俄国承诺销毁大部分核武器

    Russia is committed to destroying most of its nuclear arsenals.


  • 美国俄国急于避免南亚冲突

    Both the Americans and the Russians are anxious to avoid conflict in South Asia.


  • 19世纪中叶标志着俄国历史转折点

    The middle decades of the 19th century marked a watershed in Russia's history.


  • 成功地阐明了数百万普通俄国感情

    He has managed to crystallize the feelings of millions of ordinary Russians.


  • 曾经俄国招做间谍莫斯科受训

    He had been recruited by the Russians as a mole and trained in Moscow.


  • 其他人扛着俄国飞机上抢来的巨型机关炮

    Others carried huge cannons plundered from Russian aircraft.


  • 俄国显然犹豫不决

    The Russians were visibly wavering.


  • 很凑巧早些时候一个俄国上校交了朋友

    Providentially, he had earlier made friends with a Russian Colonel.


  • 俄国政府去年一月份已经选择了解除油价天然气价格的控制。

    The Russian government chose not to decontrol oil and gas prices last January.


  • 这些工厂生产享受了巨额补贴的垃圾产品,除了兜售给俄国外,找不到其他买主。

    The factories produce hugely subsidized rubbish they can't pawn off on anybody but the Russians.


  • 那个俄国说的话很快地听。

    He quickly interpreted to me what the Russian was saying.


  • 来自俄国

    The white whales are from Russia.


  • 俄国著名作家托尔斯泰一样,许多也提出这些难题

    Like Leo Tolstoy, the famous Russian writer, many people ask these difficult questions.


  • 根据传统观点十九世纪俄国农奴制抑制了经济增长

    According to the conventional view, serfdom in nineteenth-century Russia inhibited economic growth.


  • 西方两派关于俄国走向辩论读起来实在一件快事。

    It was fabulous to read these people as they debated what will happen to Russia, the kind of westerners and those in between.


  • 俄国朋友安德烈离开之前总是环顾四周,沉思片刻。

    My Russian friend, Andrey always looks around and thinks for a while before leaving home.


  • 前往奥地利得到了奥地利国王支持俄国开战反抗父亲

    He goes off and gets the support of the emperor of Austria to wage a war with Russia to against his own father.


  • 我们斯拉夫派,也读过西化派,已故俄国学者亚瑟·孟德尔教授

    We read the Slavophiles, and we read the westernizers, taught by the late scholar of Russia, Arthur Mendel.


  • 认为职业生涯早期俄国的时候的一些事情使她产生了这种感觉

    I think that feeling is exemplified by something that happened earlier in her career, in Russia.


  • 这个观点中,通过沉重的现金劳动实物税限制流动性各种形式胁迫使有着农奴地位俄国农民保持贫穷

    In this view, Russian peasants' status as serfs kept them poor through burdensome taxes in cash, in labor, and in-kind; through restrictions on mobility; and through various forms of coercion.


  • 如果苹果公司被迫美国执法机构破解一部 iPhone协助案件调查的话,俄国或者伊朗也提出同样要求,苹果公司又该如何拒绝呢?

    If Apple is forced to open up an iPhone for an American law enforcement investigation, what is to prevent it from doing so for a request from the Russians or the Iranians?


  • 夫妻地位就像俄国沙皇农民、董事长和接待员

    The husband and wife were like czar and peasant, chairman of the board, and receptionist.


  • 俄国帝制统治期间,两个军火库都安置士兵军事装备

    During Tzarist rule, both arsenals housed soldiers and military materiel.


  • 1916年,俄国黑海舰队帮助俄国军队占领奥斯曼帝国雷比松。

    In 1916, the Russian Black Sea fleet helped the Russian army to take the Ottoman city of Trebizond.


  • 俄国形式主义者也是这样想的。

    The Russian formalists do this as well.


  • 也好,喜欢扮演俄国

    That's fine, I like playing Russians.


  • 也好,喜欢扮演俄国

    That's fine, I like playing Russians.


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