China has requested Myanmar to take effective measures according to law to protect the lawful rights and interests of the Chinese citizens in Myanmar.
First, the central government always gives top priority to protecting the legitimate rights and interest of overseas Chinese citizens.
The promulgation of these laws, to norm administration's power, improve administration efficiency and protect citizen's legal rights, have very important functions.
Fourth, we will continue to protect the lawful rights and interests of Chinese nationals and companies abroad.
"The Chicago Police Department is committed to safeguarding the civil liberties of city residents and visitors alike, " Lieutenant Maureen Biggane said in an e-mail.
Many civil rights have not yet know why - and how to correctly exercise their rights and protect their legitimate rights and interests.
This shows that China's administrative proceedings fundamental purpose is the protection of citizens, legal persons and other organizations of the legitimate rights and interests.
It's against to punish the crime of robbery accurately and effectively, and protect of citizens, legal persons and other legal rights.
These mass organizations shall act strictly according to law and protect the lawful rights and interests of the citizens.
Objectives To strengthen the legal protection for generational rights and vindicate peoples legal rights and interests.
Emerging from protecting the claim of citizens equality, the judicial aid system aims at protecting the legitimate rights and interests of vulnerable groups, which reflects social equity and justice.
The institution of civil action by public prosecution is propitious to protect the benefits and rights of the country, the society and the citizens.
Objective To protect the national public health interest and the legitimate rights of legal persons and other organizations;
Objective To protect the national public health interest and the legitimate rights of legal persons and other organizations;