I headed a few blocks to Rodeo Drive, pausing to window-shop at Porsche Design, Harry Winston Jewelers and Bijan.
P ' 6520指南针手表的设计灵感来源于1978年生产的费迪南德·亚历山大·保时捷手表。
The design was inspired by a watch Ferdinand Alexander Porsche made in 1978.
According to the company, this extremely efficient drivetrain technology forms a symbiosis in the 918 Spyder with truly outstanding design and high-tech motorsport achievements.
Attempts to broaden the range in the hope of increased sales had failed-porsche customers had refused to recognize any model but the 911 as a true Porsche.
Porsche decides to carry on and design the 924 as its own entry-level model for its product line.
The design elements of this very first Porsche can still be seen in all Porsche models that have been made since then.
The design for the body takes styling cues from a number of sources, and most notably elements of certain Porsche vehicles can be seen in its profile and front-end.
Those involve, for example, the chassis design, or platform, on which the Porsche Cayenne sport-utility vehicle, the VW Touareg and the Audi Q7 are based;
HOK's design will create a single home for the Porsche North America family by bringing together office, training and driving functions while creating a unified brand experience.
The black metal piece between the electric motor and Porsche transmission is an adapter I designed, machined, and welded myself.
提高性能-减少消费:使用可变凸轮计时器在叶片型设计和开关t appets的开关凸轮轮廓在保时捷的VarioCam模式。
Increased performance - reduced consumption: Use of variable CAM timers in vane type design and switching tappets for CAM profile switching in Porsche's Variocam model.
The dynamic design embraces the on-site road handling track, celebrating the Porsche driving experience at every turn.
Ferry Porsche with the Porsche 928. Originally intended as successor to the 911, the model's unique body styling takes Porsche in a new direction.
Herr Porsche is also responsible for designing the Volkswagen Beetle, the world's best-ever selling car.
Herr Porsche is also responsible for designing the Volkswagen Beetle, the world's best-ever selling car.