Preemptively trying to shut down the dialogue by shouting at the curious is the truly sensationalist move here.
The media mogul stole a march on many of his competitors by recognising early on that a website with user-generated content is valuable for reaching young consumers.
The actions were originally triggered by Nokia suing Apple for refusing to license allegedly valid patents for 3G and thus skimping on royalty payments.
Become a change leader; that is, proactively lead change in your organization instead of resisting it. Here are some ideas for how to do that.
When you're different, you can preempt the concept in consumers' minds so your competitors can never take it away from you.
Fed policymakers believe they have taken preemptive action to address near-term weakness and see the economy as regaining strength from the second quarter of 2008 onwards.
Fed policymakers believe they have taken preemptive action to address near-term weakness and see the economy as regaining strength from the second quarter of 2008 onwards.