• 根据需求完成全球供应链管理物料管理SAP系统改进项目的各项工作。

    Participate in global supply chain, material management, SAP system improvement and project.


  • 企业全球供应链管理环境下加强采购质量管理成为企业不可忽视重要措施。

    Under the global supply chain management environment, how to improve the purchasing quality management has become one of the urgent problems in enterprises.


  • 众多行业领导者采用供应链运作参考模型分析其业务,从而改善全球供应链管理绩效

    SCOR model has been adopted by numerous industry leaders to manage global supply chains and use it to analyze and improve the supply chain performance.


  • 对于全球供应链管理来说,过去风险关注点虽然有所转移但是大部分都转移为传统风险担心

    Perceptions of the risks that matter most for those managing a global supply chain have shifted in the past 12 months, but much of what we see is a return to traditional worries.


  • 部分陈述供应链兴起供应链供应链管理概念内容供应链管理以及全球供应链管理存在的一些问题。

    This part narrates the development, concept and main content of supply chain management, and some problems of supply chain management and global supply chain management.


  • 下一步购买提供全面全球供应链解决方案整合平台软件包括后台管理系统,人力资源管理系统电子商务系统。

    The next step is to buy software that provides a complete and integrated platform of global supply chain solutions, including back office processes, CRM and e-commerce.


  • 负责开发管理广范围项目包括全球供应链最优化软件选择开发战略采购物流网络设计其他

    Develops and manages a wide range of projects including: global supply chain optimization, software selection and development, strategic sourcing, and logistics network design, among others.


  • 全球背景下分布式供应链网络越来越强调其运作的协同管理市场需求时间敏感性

    In the background of globalization, the distributed supply chain networks increasingly emphasize collaborative management, and Market demands for the time Sensitivity.


  • 人们相信供应链管理企业适应全球竞争一种有效模式

    It is believed that the supply chain management is an effective model for enterprises to adapt to the global competitiveness.


  • 这样就形成一个能有效地管理全球供应链产品数据流、资金流组成的体系从而使企业受益

    This form a effective global supply chain management of product flow, data flow and cash flow system, in order to make up of enterprise benefit.


  • 这个全球一体化供应链管理不仅提供了巨大的机会面临许多挑战。

    This globally integrated supply chain management not only offers great opportunities but numerous challenges as well.


  • 一体化物流供应链管理本世纪全球最有影响工商业管理趋势之一

    Integration logistics and supply Chain is one of the most influential trends in business of the world in this century.


  • 虽然通过精简全球供应链实现扁平化管理来应对消费额的减少,耐克危机还是表现出了强的应变能力。

    While trying to weather a downturn in consumer spending by streamlining its global supply chain and flattening management, Nike has remained relatively resilient during the slump.


  • 利斯特全球范围为客户提供革新供应链管理服务降低客户在生产运营过程中的成本

    Throughout the world, Anixter provides innovative supply chain management services to reduce customers' total cost of production and implementation.


  • 供应链思想全球制造、企业经营集团化背景产生的,这种新的管理思想对传统库存控制理论方法提出了挑战和新的要求

    Under the influence of the concept of supply chain management, traditional inventory control theories and methods are no longer adapted to the new environment.


  • 供应链管理随着全球制造兴起、为适应客户需求快速变化产生的一种新型管理模式

    Supply chain management is a new type of management mode, which is relevant to global manufacture and quickly changing customer requirements.


  • 随着全球经济一体化进程加快供应链管理这种集成化管理模式各个领域得到广泛的应用。

    With the speeding up process of global economic integration, supply chain management-integrated management model has been widely used in various fields.


  • 供应链管理作为全球经济一体化背景下应势而生一种集成化管理模式,在各个领域得到广泛应用

    The Supply Chain Management is in extensive use in every field as an integrated mold in the background of globalization.


  • 一体化物流供应链管理本世纪全球最有影响工商业管理趋势之一

    At the end of this century, integrated logistics and supply chain management are one of tendencies affecting industry and commerce management in the whole world.


  • 如果全球供应链管理放松管制相信,你会想到他们会带来大的缓和相反情况

    If you believed in globalization, supply chain management, and deregulation, you would have thought they would lead to greater moderation, but the opposite happened.


  • 客户管理软件产品配置软件、企业资源规划系统以及全球通信系统,制定有效供应链管理策略的关键组成部分。

    Account management software, product configurators, enterprise resource planing systems, and global communications are key components of effective supply chain management strategies.


  • 如今,供应链管理实践已经广泛应用全球各个产业企业迅速意识到供应链管理所带来的好处。

    Supply chain management (SCM) has been one of the most important aspects of the operation of modern companies including international trade enterprises.


  • 质量管理传统单一企业观念,转变全球供应链观念

    The focus of quality-based paradigm has shifted from the traditional company-centered setting to complete supply chain systems.


  • 供应链管理进入21世纪后企业适应全球竞争有效途径,一新的管理模式

    Supply Chain management which is a new management mode is an effective way to adapt to global competition for enterprises in 21st century.


  • 凭藉著卓越工程能力项目管理经验供应链管理生产现场管理经验,已经具备全球产品制造供应能力。

    With superior engineering ability, project management experience, supplying chain management and production site management experience, has a global product manufacturing and supply capacity.


  • 供应链管理作为全球经济一体化背景应势而生一种集成化管理模式,在各个领域得到广泛应用。

    As an integrated management mode produced under the situation of global economic integration, supply chain management has been adopted in the serial fields.


  • 供应链管理作为全球经济一体化背景应势而生一种集成化管理模式,在各个领域得到广泛应用。

    As an integrated management mode produced under the situation of global economic integration, supply chain management has been adopted in the serial fields.


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