• 戏剧里,他们其他人物什么关系

    What's their relation to the other characters in the play?


  • 常用手法就是拍摄其他人物更远的距离拍摄比人。

    The most common trick was to film hobbits from farther away than the other characters.


  • 这部动画中的其他人物在外形行动有了更流线型的改变。

    Other characters in the series were also softened up in both their actions and looks.


  • 角色表演1a中的对话然后谈论图片中的其他人物

    1c Role play the conversation in 1a. Then talk about the other people in the picture.


  • 画面中间着女神维纳斯,比画面上其他人物靠后一些。

    Venus is standing in the centre of the picture, set slightly back from the other figures.


  • 旁白戏剧低声说出直接观众台词。旁白在舞台上其他人物不到的。

    Aside: in drama, lines spoken by a character in an undertone or directly to the audience. An aside is meant to be unheard by the other characters onstage.


  • 多个剪切出人物问题基础渲染图使用其他人物图片的色调不一致。

    The problem with cutting people from multiple images is that there is a disconnect in color tones between my base rendering and all of the different images used.


  • 哈利·波特作者罗琳日前透露排除续集为故事中其他人物写书的可能。

    Harry Potter author J. K. Rowling has revealed she has not ruled out any future "Potter" books or off-shoots featuring the series characters.


  • 雷电角色——游戏其他人物有意地使用这个词的——与斯内合金装备》中如出一辙。

    Raiden's role — and that's a word I and the game's characters use intentionallyclosely mirrors that of Snake's in Metal Gear Solid.


  • 利曼中的其他人物视为集体潜意识组成部分.这种人人有的深层意识, 类似一心理DNA.

    Philemon and the other figures in the book are seen as components of a collective unconscious, the deep level of the mind that is common to all humanity: a kind of psychological DNA.


  • 在继续我们的论证之前,我们只须注意基里洛夫又化作过其他人物,这些人物再次使得荒谬主题运转起来

    Let us merely note before going on that Kirilov reappears in other characters who themselves set in motion additional absurd themes.


  • 选择首要人物角色一个排除过程每个人物角色必须通过目标其他人物角色的目标进行比较测试

    Choosing the primary persona is a process of elimination: Each persona must be tested by comparing the goals of that persona against goals of the others.


  • 克洛德所显示认识价值审美价值是作品其他人物形象所不能企及的,他是一个具有悲剧价值的艺术典型

    However, the aesthetic value and perceptive value shown in Clode as a typical artistic example of tragic value go far beyond those of other characters.


  • 领主引入的观念影响”,在钱币人物关系充当类似货币的角色,直观影响玩家国内其他人物互动

    A new concept in Bannerlord is influence, which ACTS a bit like a currency, alongside gold and relation, but more directly affects our interactions with other characters in our faction.


  • 小牛队员选择范围内。贾森-特里是个很有意思能分散防守注意力的人物其他人物基本可以个长队。了不起。

    The Mavericks were all on the same page. JET proved to be an amusing distraction, but other than that they basically fall in line. That's a great thing.


  • 这件作品受京剧影响,两位手持武器人物谨慎相互绕圈。同时,其他人物无视他们存在身着古装现代服装进入舞台

    With references to the Peking Opera, two armed figures circle each other warily as, oblivious to their presence, actors in period uniforms and contemporary dress enter the theatrical arena.


  • 外插一句:这部电影基努·李·维斯迄今为止表现最好一部(其实也就是凑合而已),其他人物角色掺入了些许个人情感

    Bonus: it's Keanu Reeves's best performance so far (which isn't saying much) since he actually puts some emotion into the role.


  • 至于拉吉克里那先生,没有多言,只是告诫女巫角色一部分使用语言韵律仔细使用在其他人物角色上的区分开来。

    As for Rajkrishna Babu, he contented himself with admonishing me to be careful to keep the language and metre of the Witches' parts different from that of the human characters.


  • 当然不是微不足道的,比起尔顿写其他人物更多在模仿莎士比亚than, anything, else,that, Milton, wrote,这个确实很重要,小姐一首歌实际上女神echo的致辞。

    It's surely not insignificant that Milton's Comus contains more echoes of Shakespeare Comus and it's surely not insignificant that the Lady's first song is actually addressed to the nymph echo.


  • 可能整个故事都建立某个人物采访上,可能你还会去采访其他人,问问他们主角的看法

    You may wish to build the entire feature around a single interview with the subject or you may decide to interview others to determine what they think about the subject.


  • 支持者说特里谢先生及时采取非常规策略英雄人物其他甚至还正在发抖

    To supporters, though, Mr Trichet is the hero of the hour for resorting to unorthodox policies even as others dither.


  • 顿扮演喜剧角色相较于其他装傻式的表演相当具有吸引力,后者看起来非常搞笑观看者恐怕不会希望自己和剧中人物一样。

    Merton's comic persona can be pretty devastating towards others' stupidity, which is terrifically funny to watch, but presumably not quite as fun to find oneself on the receiving end of.


  • 心目中的“其他无需是个名人或者电影中的人物

    Your "someone else" doesn't have to be famous or from a movie.


  • 奥巴马软化欧洲许多实业家谈话他们已经失去曾经暂时拥有的敬畏——我们选出了一位非裔美国人而且酷的全球人物

    Obama fatigue. I talked to numerous businesspeople and others in Europe who had lost the awe they hadbriefly—that we had elected an African-American, and a cool global guy at that.


  • 一阶段不要将未完成故事相关人物其他

    At no time during this stage should you offer or acquiesce to appeals of the subject or others to see the unfinished draft.


  • 就是所有Betanews读者问题选择马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg),还是其他成为年度人物呢?

    It's a question I pose to Betanews readers: Would you chose Zuckerberg, or someone else, as Person of the Year?


  • 历史当代伟大人物具有的伟大,而影响控制其他思想和意志。

    Or contemporary great personage because of had by it greatness, influence and control other thought and will of people in history.


  • 历史当代伟大人物具有的伟大,而影响控制其他思想和意志。

    Or contemporary great personage because of had by it greatness, influence and control other thought and will of people in history.


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