• 枕头:枕头礼物涵义女孩梦到不要梦到其他家伙

    Gift meaning of pillow: dream on me girl, but do not dream others guys.


  • 一些其他家伙收看时间只是暂停电影等待下载酒吧直到认为稳定开始您的爱好显示所有

    Like some other's guy say when watching time just pause your movie and wait for the download bar until you think is stable than start watching your loving show, that all.


  • 童话故事到电影,狼总是一种对人类和其他动物构成危险的坏家伙

    From fairy tales to movies, the wolf is always the bad guy—a danger to humans and other animals.


  • 也许正是维基媒体基金会家伙们,让这个非赢利性母体拥有许多其他子项目运行的原因。

    Perhaps that's why the guys at Wikimedia Foundation, the non-profit parent body have several other pet projects running.


  • 你们要求低,物理老师其他老师抱怨的越厉害,他们抱怨“这些家伙居然知道怎么积分

    I should say, the more I tell you I don't need you to know, the more your physics and other teachers might complain that, oh, these guys don't know how to integrate.


  • 地球上基本消灭殆尽。在大学宿舍其他拥挤住所东山再起之后,这些家伙现在又卷土重来,影院阁楼再到服装店,没有没它们的踪影。

    Once almost eradicated, bedbugs began making a comeback in college dorms and other cramped quarters but have now have spread almost everywhere, from movie theaters to penthouses to clothing stores.


  • 因此卡梅隆决定其他大导演先试试的新家伙

    So Cameron decided to let other directors test his system.


  • 喜欢一点,因为奥巴马看上去其他结了婚家伙没什么不同,都是因为答应老婆什么事情不得不去做自己不想做的。

    I like that, because it makes Obama seem like any other married guy, doing stuff he doesn't want to do because he promised the wife. "— Craig ferguson."


  • 他们这里其他那些家伙拿着溜之大吉

    They’re not like the rest of the people here, who will disappear with your money.


  • 他们这里其他那些家伙拿着溜之大吉

    They're not like the rest of the people here, who will disappear with your money.


  • 一些参与者尤其是那些预谋选举舞弊威胁恐吓或是耍其他非法手段家伙暗藏抵制国际监督员动机

    Some actors, especially those who plan to use election fraud, intimidation, or other illegal tactics, have incentives to resist international monitors.


  • 产品经理其他一些不幸家伙假设问题显而易见然后迫不及待地去解决

    Product managers and many others unfortunately assume the problem is evident and jump right to solving it.


  • 至于其他幸存下来的小家伙,不是漂流的冰块压垮,就是妈妈失散了。

    Others survived, only to be crushed by moving ice or separated from their mothers.


  • 曼德拉可能永远感觉不到崇拜但是那个对搞冲基金家伙可能觉察出你的怨恨——或许还可能其他很多那里觉察出来

    Mandela may never sense your admiration, but the hedge fund guy probably suspects your resentment — and he probably senses it coming from a lot of other people too.


  • 十月份一份报告指出:虽然猩猩社会动物但它们并不偏爱其他家伙协作

    While chimpanzees are social creatures, they don't show a preference for collaborating with one another, an October study finds.


  • 这个家伙每个赛季自己得分提升个档次,俨然已经成为联盟其他各支球队的一威胁

    This guy has boosted his average point total per game every season, and is just a few free-agent signings away in N. J. from being a serious threat in the league.


  • 虽然花园里其他松鼠都会储存一些坚果作为过冬的粮食,我们这个肥胖家伙却喜欢吃完

    While the rest of the squirrels in the garden tend to put a few nuts aside for the winter, this tubby customer clearly believes in eating them all at once.


  • 微软研究院那些家伙已经正式明天(5月5日)才会发布然而在写篇文章时候美国的各个地方都不是5月5日,嘿!其他的一些地方却是5月5日。

    Officially the folks at Redmond had said the release would be available tomorrow (May 5), and while it's not May 5 anywhere in the US at the time of this writing-hey, it's May 5 somewhere.


  • 美联储其他央行政策使得一直申明我主张家伙儿应该保有银行不能搞糟的通货黄金

    The policies of the Fed and other central banks are why I continue to advocate that folks own the currency with no central bank to screw it up: gold.


  • 其他士兵没有介意实际上家伙他们缓解了思乡的愁绪。

    The other soldiers didn't mind; in fact, the boy helped ease their homesickness.


  • 敏捷开发方法刚开始进入主流视线的时候,持怀疑态度其他我认识的很多家伙一样

    When Agile first hit mainstream awareness, I was a skeptic, along with many other folks I know.


  • 才出生家伙总是远离动物园里其他河马,一直妈妈。

    The calf was kept away from the other hippos in the zoo for the first two weeks of her life, while she bonded with her mother.


  • 篇文章里面列出其他非言语技巧一样如果方法正确不会觉得,“上帝这个家伙又是一个酒吧里无聊的花花公子。”

    Like with all the other nonverbal techniques listed in this article, if you approach correctly, she won't think, "God this guy is another cheesy dude trying to pick me up in a bar."


  • 傍晚观看其他新进失业人士的视频之后年幼儿子问道,“妈妈为什么那些疯狂家伙?”

    After I spent time watching his and other just-fired videos one evening, my young son asked, 'Mom, why are you watching crazy people?'


  • 说:“你们这些家伙议案投票我们其他同意itunes最新条款条件方式一样的。”

    I think you guys vote on bills in the same way the rest of us agree to updated terms and conditions on iTunes, "he said."


  • 父亲不懂上面的字,心中焦急,那上面可能写着几千其他什么东西“好好招待此人”直到“拿走,这家伙处置”。

    He couldn’t read what was written on it and was worried that it might say any of a thousand different things, fromTreat this man well” to “Take his money and do whatever you want with him.”


  • vnc兴趣家伙”的数量正在迅速增加;请确保VNC使用了一个非常强壮密码至少8个字母最好是数字字母其他符号的组合。

    Interest by "the bad guys" in VNC is growing rapidly; be sure you use a strong password for VNC, one with at least eight characters, preferably mixing digits, letters, and other symbols.


  • 我们发现这些其他舞蹈怎么样四个家伙跳舞非常缓慢,非常不同寻常的像起重机般。

    What about this other dance that we found, these four guys doing this very slow, very unusual crane-looking dance?


  • 十月份份报告指出:虽然猩猩社会动物但它们并不偏爱其他家伙协作。相反孩子们更愿意合作

    While chimpanzees are social creatures, they don't show a preference for collaborating with one another, an October study finds. Children, on the other hand, prefer teamwork.


  • 十月份份报告指出:虽然猩猩社会动物但它们并不偏爱其他家伙协作。相反孩子们更愿意合作

    While chimpanzees are social creatures, they don't show a preference for collaborating with one another, an October study finds. Children, on the other hand, prefer teamwork.


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