Bankruptcy should also make it easier for the "new" Chrysler to shed unwanted dealers and other liabilities.
When the world’s only superpower gets weighed down with this much debt — to itself and other nations — everyone will feel it.
As such, brands can be considered just as valuable as any other item on a corporate balance sheet.
Events after the Balance Sheet Date requires the provision of additional information in order to facilitate such an understanding.
The worry now is about all the other loans on banks' balance-sheets, against which there are almost no provisions (see chart).
The banks hid their excessive leverage using derivatives, off-balance-sheet entities and other devices, the report found.
Whether they are a certified public accountant or a chartered accountant, they will have been taught how vital prudence is when preparing accounts, budgets and so forth.
Except as provided in Article 2, in no event shall any Party be responsible for any losses, risks, liabilities or obligations whatsoever resulting from any act of the other Party.
In the end, I propose several advices on how to enforce constrain of level to the corporate, how to improve capital control, etc.
In the end, I propose several advices on how to enforce constrain of level to the corporate, how to improve capital control, etc.