• 建筑不仅仅关心内部使用者的需求,建立外界强烈联系

    The building is not closed in itself to exclusively serve to the users but also has very strong relationships with the outside and the streets around it.


  • 一般来说每个服务描述信息应该只能那些潜在的服务使用者看到;还有一些服务只为内部使用者所见。

    Naturally, access to each service description needs to be restricted to only those who might become potential consumers; some services will certainly be restricted to internal users only.


  • 这种情况下,您可以使用负载测试情节代表虚拟客户使用另一个情节来代表网站虚拟内部使用者

    In this case, a load test scenario can be made to represent virtual customers and another scenario can be made to represent virtual internal users of a Web site.


  • 不是采用授权工具用户而是采用支持它们内部客户,即信息使用者

    Not by empowering the tool users, but by enabling their internal clients, the consumers of the information.


  • 例如提供者通常最小化更改的动机,但是当然合理地快速响应来自使用者更改请求来自内部的更改需要

    For example, the provider would typically be motivated to minimize change, but, of course, would respond reasonably rapidly to requests for change from consumers and the need for change from within.


  • 它现在馆际互借系统,是图书馆使用者搜索服务最近成为图书馆内部操作自动化平台

    It serves as an interlibrary loan system, a discovery service for library patrons, and more recently as a platform for the automation of internal library operations.


  • HSB应当服务使用者连接内部外部的服务提供者以便它们相互操作。

    An HSB should be able to interconnect service consumers to both in-house and external service providers, so that they can interoperate with one another.


  • 外面玻璃意图使用者挖掘空间的直觉感受,同时实现夜晚将光线引入到体育场内部

    A glaze ultimately intended to delve the user into the land of intuition, returning the light from inside out into the stadium at night.


  • 顾客接受产品组织个人示例消费者委托人最终使用者零售商受益者采购方。顾客可以组织内部外部的。

    Customer: organization or person that receives a product. EXAMPLE Consumer, client, end-user, retailer, beneficiary and purchaser. A customer can be internal or external to the organization.


  • 这样统一文件模型中,使用者永远也不应该强迫面对计算机内部机制——在内存磁盘管理数据文件系统本职工作

    In this unified file model, users should never be forced to confront the internal mechanisms of the computer-it is the file system's job to manage writing data between the disks and memory.


  • 现在一些网上订房系统不同使用者可以通过进入酒店内部找到合适房间,也可以看到房间内部陈设

    And now a number of online the booking systems, users can enter the hotel through its interior, to find a suitable room, we can see inside the room furnishings and window scene.


  • 促成这种变化自然机制包括母语使用者惰性模仿心理以及英语语言体系内部连锁反应补偿机制和类推规律

    It is partly due to the natural laws including the laziness and imitating mentality of the user as well as the chain reaction, the compensating law and the analogical rule of the language.


  • 色彩设计起到很大作用,设计旨在提升人类体验建筑使用者内部穿梭随时能感受到愉悦惊奇

    Colour has played a big part in the design which aims to heighten human experience to give the building users joy, and surprise when moving around and through the centre.


  • 建模会议室厨房办公室服务区内部设计图书馆只是这个空间专属使用者个别特色而已。

    Modeling and conference rooms, kitchen, office services and an in-house design library are just some of the features of the space which is dedicated to it users.


  • 建筑设计者进行高层建筑设计充分考虑创造出来空间(无论是内部还是外部)给予使用者感受

    Building designers should fully consider the user's experience for the created space (whether internal or external) during the designing high-rise buildings.


  • 特别值得一提改造过程中,并不干扰许多厂家内部运作需要,是一个真正照顾使用者建筑功能的改造计划。

    Moreover, the renovation process takes into account of the users and programmatic needs of the Spaces behind the facade without interrupting their operations inside.


  • 其次这种塑料款还保护内部瓶子不会,即使内部裂后也不会伤害使用者

    In addition, the outer plastic casing can protect inner bottle against breaking and protect user from injury by burst inner bottle.


  • 组织内部网站系统管理员通常可以组织使用者清单选取使用者,然后根据他们专案中的角色需求存取权限。

    Inside an organization, site administrators can typically select users from the list of the organization's users and grant them access based on their roles and needs within a project.


  • 组织应当识别书面口头方式得到顾客最终使用者信息来源包括内部来源和外部来源。

    The organization should identify sources of customer and end-user information, available in written and verbal forms, from internal and external sources.


  • 组织应当识别书面口头方式得到顾客最终使用者信息来源包括内部来源和外部来源。

    The organization should identify sources of customer and end-user information, available in written and verbal forms, from internal and external sources.


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