• 那些飞机还会

    Those planes will come again.


  • 希望

    I wish he'd come again!


  • 如果愿意不用了。

    You needn't come again, if you don't want to.


  • 他们决定拆掉机器从头再来

    They decided to dismantle the machine and start again from scratch.


  • 大家排练一下第3场好吗?

    Can we run through Scene 3 again, please?


  • 不敢搞懂了。吧。

    I'm not sure that I understand. Go over it again.


  • 能否过会儿再来电话。

    I asked him if he wouldn't mind calling later.


  • 人们可以白天工作晚上夜校上课。

    People can go out to work in the daylight hours and then come to night school in the evening.


  • 请你从头再来一遍吧还是搞不清楚。

    Can you start from the beginning againI'm in a muddle.


  • 一点咖喱烧菜好吗?

    Would you like some more curry?


  • 我们简要讨论一下建议,好吗?

    Could we run through your proposals once again?


  • 乐团得到观众“再来一个”的请求。

    The group got three encores.


  • 塔格特考虑是否一杯双份伏特加

    Taggart debated whether to have yet another double vodka.


  • 机不可失,时不再来

    It was an opportunity not to be missed.


  • 罗杰品脱伊摩根一个。

    Give Roger another pint, Imogen, and I'll have the same again.


  • 我们不得不将原有的线路全部拆除,从头再来

    We had to strip out all the old wiring and start again.


  • 失败处之泰然,声称一试身手

    He was philosophical about losing and said that he'd be back next year to try again.


  • 星期电话那时他们应该作出决定了。

    Call again next week. They should have reached a decision by then.


  • 彻底拜访后,朱莉又男人

    When Artie stopped calling altogether, Julie found a new man.


  • 如果这个建议得不到采纳我们就得从头了。

    If this suggestion isn't accepted, we'll be back to square one.


  • 一杯好吗?

    Would you care for another drink?


  • 想到一切都得从头情绪一下子低落了

    My spirits sank at the prospect of starting all over again.


  • 再来一杯吗?

    Would you like a refill?


  • 再来一个

    One more, please!


  • 请你白兰地,如果改日再来

    I was planning to ask you in for a brandy, but if you want to take a rain check, that's fine.


  • 希望很快就大叔

    I hope you'll come soon again, uncle.


  • 再来的。

    I will come back again.


  • 我们永远欢迎您再来

    Goodbye, you're always welcome.


  • 谢谢先生,请下次再来

    Thank you sir. Come again!


  • 我会你们的。

    Well, I'll be seeing you around then.


- 来自原声例句

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