They boldly stood up and charged the serf - owner with his crimes.
The serf was beaten up by her owner and passed out for two hours.
The serf -owners had the right to beat, abuse or even kill the serfs at will.
The serf - owners had the right to beat, abuse or even kill the serfs at will.
The serf-owners had the right to beat, abuse or even kill the serfs at will.
Such unpaid labor constituted the rent they paid to serf owners.
Male or female serfs belonging to different owners had to pay a "redemption fee" if they wished to marry, and their children were doomed to be serfs for life.
As in a free labor system and unlike slavery, the overlords had no responsibility for the serf's maintenance and no direct interest in his or her survival as an expensive piece of property.
As in a free labor system and unlike slavery, the overlords had no responsibility for the serf's maintenance and no direct interest in his or her survival as an expensive piece of property.