The criticism concentrates on the relevance criterion of accounting information.
On one hand, whether the accounting information will assist in making financial strategies is the basic function of financial accounting.
To solve the problem of adverse selection and moral hazard, accounting is characterized decision usefulness and the validity of contract.
Because the information useful in decision-making cannot ensure the validity of contract, there is a inconsistency between decision usefulness and validity of contract.
Segment information helps improve the predictive ability of information users, and has decision availability in security pricing and risk assessment.
The fundamental objective of financial statements is helping to make decisions. Furthermore, value-relevant and reliable to investors is the most important quality characteristics.
Information disclosure of revenue-related and risk-related at the same time is an important part in providing useful information of fair value for economic decision-making.
Accounting information is the processed accounting data, whose most important character is that it can be used for decision-making, so accounting information must be factual and reliable.
Lender's using of accounting information is not only a theoretical issue about the accounting information usefulness for decision making but also a practical problem in bank credit risk management.
Analytical CRM generally makes heavy use of data mining and other techniques to produce useful results for decision-making.
There have been controversial views of the criterion of authenticity between the perspectives of accounting and law with the focus on the debate of"decision availability"and "fact in law".
Based on decision-making serviceability high quality accounting information can improve its value relevance.
Based on decision-making serviceability high quality accounting information can improve its value relevance.