• 一个准备好的状态吗?

    Is it a ready state?


  • 年后尔顿写《 利西达斯》的时候,表现的还是这种未准备好的状态充满同样的为薄发而厚积焦躁。

    Six years later when Milton writes Lycidas, he's employing the same fiction of unreadiness and filled with all of the same anxiety of under-preparedness.


  • 这种信念基于这样观念不管我们另一半/现在情绪状态如何,他/她随时准备好了与我们讨论某个话题

    It's a belief that is based on the idea that our partner should be available at all times to discuss our feelings about certain subjects, regardless of the emotional state he/she is in.


  • 虽然老师这些训练摆脱我们环境混乱状态方法但是并不确定人们已经准备改变消费至上的生活方式

    While Thay sees following these trainings as a way out of the environmental mess we are in, he is not certain that people are yet ready to change their consumerist way of life.


  • 用于活动准备事件代码21006(注意到人员活动没有进入启动状态)。

    The event code for "activity ready" is 21006 (note that staff activities don't go to the started state).


  • 内容包括全新本地化控制面板、全新的SUMO搜索引擎准备好截录像、知识库状态更新等等。

    Stories include information about the new localization dashboard, a new SUMO search engine, getting ready for screencasts, a knowledgebase status update, and more.


  • 比赛之前讲话中,温格表示租借诺丁汉森林宝贵经历促使拉姆西身体状态恢复到比赛要求,而且在这之后拉姆西的心理状态完全准备好了

    Speaking ahead of the game, Wenger has no doubt that Ramsey is mentally ready after his invaluable loan spell at Nottingham Forest, where he was thrust back into the physical side of the game.


  • 2009年世界母乳喂养主题“紧急状态母乳喂养,准备好了吗?”

    The theme of World Breastfeeding Week 2009 is "Breastfeeding - a vital emergency response. Are you ready?"


  • 我们到达圣达菲时,Marian已经准备好,我们检查我们状态

    When we arrive in Santa Fe, Marian is ready and we review our status.


  • 启动设备驱动器要么准备,要么是状态不佳。用户尝试升级PC系统上WindowsXP,却引发各种问题

    Device drivers either were not ready or were in a pitiful state at launch, causing all manner of problems with customers attempting to upgrade their PC from Windows XP.


  • 更新ibmRationalClearQuest适当记录指示活动状态resolved”,以及代码已经功能测试准备好。

    He also updates the appropriate record in IBM Rational ClearQuest to indicate that the state of his activity is "resolved" and the new code is ready for functional testing.


  • 如果状态正在运行”(通过一个绿色的“play”图标表示),则应用程序准备接收请求

    When the status is "running," indicated by a green "play" icon, your application is ready to receive requests.


  • 现在我们已经准备集群环境接下来可以运行并行程序了,并且可以根据需要添加删除节点使用Ganglia来监视节点的状态

    Now that the cluster is ready, you can run parallel programs, add or remove new nodes based on need, and monitor the status with Ganglia.


  • 右上角显示任务EnterRequestData状态Received”,意味着已经准备运行了。

    The top right shows that the task Enter Request Data is in a "Received" status, which means it is ready to run.


  • 能力新的意识状态对齐,当你准备好了之后,我们会把你们介绍银河系的社会

    When you are capable and snug with your new state of consciousness, you are then ready to be introduced to galactic society.


  • 你们必须修复这样你们处于你们最高状态面对那些准备好的人要面对的可怕情形

    You have to be fixed first, so you can be in your highest possible condition, to face the dire destinies of those not prepared.


  • 一旦卡洛斯”号准备出发需要状态

    Once the Icarus is ready to go, I'll need you in top form.


  • 主要是因为做好热身准备好了对话情绪状态

    This is mainly because you warmed up and prepared your mood for conversation.


  • 可能我们心理上没有准备好。觉得我们没有进入竞技状态

    Perhaps we weren't psychologically prepared for it. I felt that we weren't in our best competitive form.


  • 对于一些可能处于状态就是他们没有什么特别信念感到自己还没准备做出决定转变自己生活

    There will be some who will be at a point where they have no particular beliefs, and feel unready to make decisions that would change the course of their lives.


  • 以下是从的作品《不管是否准备好,生活已经走来中摘出几种应对措施父母可以用它们预防所说的“工作——生活准备状态”。

    Here are a few measures, drawn from my book Ready or Not, Here life Comes, that parents can take to prevent what I call "work-life unreadiness".


  • 加西亚(奥提兹教练):现在极了,我们优秀阵营,他几乎完全准备好了,我们还有的时间,他百分之百的进入状态场伟大比赛

    Danny Carcia: he is now excellent, we have a excellent camp, he is almost ready, we still have two weeks, he is going to be in one hundred percent, it will be a great fight.


  • 重要攻击了虫族建筑准备海盗集团快速热键命令他们回到空降状态健康接近建筑物

    Important: As you attack Zerg structures, be ready to hit your Viking group hotkey and quickly order them back to airborne status whenever a building's health bar nears zero.


  • 我们季前赛里进行了艰苦训练他们已经准备好了展示出了了不起的精神状态

    We have been working the lads really hard in pre-season and they have trained well and shown a great attitude.


  • 不在准备状态客户可以发送接收网络消息,或者还没有创建活动玩家物体的时候也可以。

    Clients can send and receive network messages without being ready, which also means without having an active player.


  • 确信如果小梅必须准备好自己的巅峰状态能够维持36分钟

    I am certain that for Floyd to win, he will have to be prepared to be on top form for 36 mins.


  • 月中继续保持查对着那些提出了的资料,会使能在四月二十四日新月准备好进入状态

    Continue to check proposed references early in the month so that you will be ready to roll just after the new moon April 24.


  • 月中继续保持查对着那些提出了的资料,会使能在四月二十四日新月准备好进入状态

    Continue to check proposed references early in the month so that you will be ready to roll just after the new moon April 24.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定