Decisions are made by committee, rather than by an individual, to reduce the scope for outside pressure.
Demarking your personal life from your professional life has been proven to reduce stress and increase overall work productivity.
These would give importing countries confidence that supplies will always be for sale when prices spike, calming panic buying and reducing pressure to retreat into self-sufficiency.
Until recently, anthropologists believed that evolutionary pressure on humans eased after the transition to a more stable agrarian lifestyle.
The low-pressure area reduces wind resistance and hence the amount of drag, which means less energy is needed to maintain the same speed as the leader.
Think about all the other healthy improvements you're seeing, including reduced stress, improved sleep, increased energy, and reduced risk of many diseases.
"The kiss reduced pressure in the mouth, pulled the eardrum out and caused the breakdown of the ear," the paper quoted a doctor surnamed Li from the hospital as saying.
Finally, use cases even help to alleviate the strains of global resourcing by reducing the requirement-to-implementation "translation" risk when using global solution teams.
Consider available design patterns aimed at reducing the stress on the JVM.
More important, if they succeed in even modestly loosening the moneymarkets, they will reduce the pressure on central banks to use the broader tool of lower policy rates.
Reducing weight, so less stress is placed on the knees, exercising and certain diets can all help.
Banks are still under pressure to bring down the size of their balance-sheets.
Having a few regular stress relieving habits in your life can make your stressors affect you less, and can provide you with a means of coping in a healthy way when stress does get you down.
比如 当您处于摇摆不定的工作状态下 您可以提前寻找一份更加有把握的新工作,这样可以帮助您开发新的机会,最终可以减小您的压力。
Taking proactive steps toward finding a new job, for example, can help you feel more in control of a precarious work situation, and can open up new opportunities, which minimizes stress.
Joe Pawlik: As the coral populations decline, sponges obviously have less competition.
Traffic congestion is a growing problem globally, and minimizing it would save money and cut emissions, as well as reducing stress and frustration in drivers.
The results show that the vertical stiffness increases with an increase in air pressure, decreases a little with an increase in cord Angle.
Check for a severe external oil leak that could reduce the pressure.
This reduces the capillary pressure of the oil that holds the oil in the pores and makes it more fluid.
More important, if they succeed in even modestly loosening the money markets, they will reduce the pressure on central Banks to use the broader tool of lower policy rates.
The results show that the average particle size is decreased with the increasing of pressure.
To cut down on stress, surround your office space with positive images.
With this you would have the proper tracking of your day to day plans and concerns, thereby, minimizing if not avoiding stress.
In New Zealand, where that edge of the plate will tip up, it will be some protection from exploding volcanoes as the pressure will be relieved.
If Hell is expanding at a rate faster than the increase of souls in Hell, then the temperature and pressure will drop until Hell freezes over.
The results show that, with an increasing internal pressure, non-circularity of the tube decreases, and the tendency of thickness thinning on inner and out side of the tube increases.
Reducing the pressure makes it boil immediately, further reducing pressure for even deeper water.
Reducing the pressure makes it boil immediately, further reducing pressure for even deeper water.