And also, how much different or the other molecular ene gy levels. The vibrations, rotations, and so forth.
In the slowing of molecular rotation, the cities drop in vibration.
The experimental results of applying the extended theory to study vibrational and rotational relaxation of molecules in nematic and liquid phases of MBBA show the feasibility of the extended theory.
We verify the theory of same weight for distribution in molecular energy about the term of vibrational potential as well as various degrees of freedom of the molecules.
In consideration of the strong intermolecular interactions in liquids, a hindering factor is introduced to modify the contribution of their rotation and vibration to the internal partition function.
Raman spectrum is a kind of molecule scattering spectroscopy, which is characterized by the frequency excursion that caused by interactions of molecule and photon to show the information of molecule.
Raman spectrum is a kind of molecule scattering spectroscopy, which is characterized by the frequency excursion that caused by interactions of molecule and photon to show the information of molecule.