• 研制组流行病学调查研究基础上,综合分析国内外资料,对标准中的健康危害指标及其判定的制订依据进行了论证

    On the basis of epidemiological study and literature review, the scientific bas is for indicators of health effect and judgement value of those indicators in discriminant standard have been proved.


  • 研究提出运用数理统计原理进行检测数据异常判断测区强度最小异常判定值中,取大者作为构件强度推定的取方法

    The principle of statistics is used to judge abnormality of data, and a better method is further proposed to give appropriate concrete strength based on the minimum strength data and abnormal value.


  • 可以定义这些decision输出条件以便捕获详细信息,了解这些是如何判定项目应流入分支的。

    You define output conditions for these decisions to capture in detail how these values determine the branch the item flows into.


  • 如果网络做出了所有判定后再设置节点,那么可以同步的。

    It would be synchronous if the net set the values of the nodes after it had made all of its decisions.


  • 重构中网络基于其他节点它们之间权重乘积的和做出翻转一个节点判定

    In reconstruction, the net's decision to flip a node is based on the sum of the products of the values of the other nodes and the weights between them.


  • 另外emptyexists函数返回可以帮助迅速判定序列是否成员

    Also, the empty and exists functions, each returning a Boolean value, quickly tell you whether a sequence has members.


  • 但是对于一个很多人判定过高股市来说,这是否太而且为时过早呢?

    Yet is it too much, too soon, for a stock market many had judged to be expensive?


  • 然而对于一个很多人判定过高股市来说,这是否太而且为时过早呢?

    Yet is it too much, too soon, especially for a stock market many had judged to be expensive?


  • “男声称可以判定一个多有男人味儿

    How-Dude. me % claims to determine 'how dude' a man is.


  • 多层前馈人工神经网络装备故障诊断中的应用设备运行状态特征设定故障判定

    The application of multi-layer feed-forward artificial neural network in fault equipment diagnosis includes feature value setting of equipment operation condition and fault judgment.


  • 方法给出了基于面积判断快速终止条件避免了异常情形特殊处理,并能通过区域测试快速判定两多边形是否发生干涉

    QQH algorithm provides a fast terminate condition based on judging the area and avoids the special process for the exception, as well as determines whether interference occurs or not by region test.


  • 通过逐一考查全体特征,实现图同构判定确定构图的顶点对应关系

    After all the eigenvalues have been considered, isomorphism will be determined and correspondence of vertices in isomorphic graphs can be ultimately identified.


  • “男声称可以判定一个多有男人味儿。

    How-Dude. me claims to determine how dude a man is.


  • 岩土工程力学性质根据原位测试实验资料数理统计综合判定

    Geotechnical engineering mechanical properties are based on in situ testing and laboratory data integrated determined value of mathematical statistics.


  • 多个噪声源情况下通过推导声压分贝运算公式,得出判定噪声源的有效方法

    Under the circumstances that there are multi noise sources, we can get the effective method of how to judge main the noice source by deriving the formula of acoustic pressure evel decibel.


  • 方法根据测向信息构造误差概率密度矩阵,根据矩阵参数将测量区域内概率密度和最大判定辐射源位置。

    The algorithm constructs a error-probability density sum-matrix according to direction finding information, and determines the target which has the highest error probability density sum in the area.


  • 针对金属材料较高应力没有蠕变稳定阶段现象提出了金属材料高低应力判定准则并根据高低应力的不同特点推导了不同的耦合损伤构模型。

    It has been find that there is no the second stage of creep when material under the condition of higher stress. Then judgment criterion has been proposed to deal with that phenomenon.


  • 如果辅料温度在特殊季节里超出温度范围,则可以用动力学温度计算后的判定温度环境为合格。

    If the temperature of the raw material warehouse will go beyond the temperature limit, use kinetic temperature to determine if the temperature environment is eligibility.


  • 模拟结果表明度曲率幅突变系数可以对桁架结构单个多个结构同时出现的情况进行比较准确判定

    The results of the simulation indicate that using the method of the sudden change coefficient of flexibility curvature, the single or multi damage of the steel truss were tested more precisely.


  • 引进有向覆盖对角占优矩阵概念给出新的矩阵非奇异判定定理特征分布定理。

    We introduced the concept of block directed edge cover diagonal quasi dominant matrix, obtained a new nonsingularity criteria for matrices and distribution theorem on eigenvalues of matrix.


  • 首先通过计算线性近似系统特征方法,给出了奇点o局部中心点判定条件

    Firstly, by computing the eigenvalues of linear approximation system, a critical condition which ensures odd point o is local center is obtained.


  • 基于这种模糊控制关系模糊推理规则得到软件通过测试标准使测试通过判定得以量化;

    The standard value of the tested software to pass the test was then obtained from the fuzzy control relation and fuzzy inference rules, thus quantifying the judgment for software to pass the test.


  • 我们改进异性误差估计判定方法给出非协调相容误差的各向异性误差估计的方法。

    We have improved the method of anisotropic interpolation error estimations and presented a method to estimate the consistent errors of nonconforming elements.


  • 异常幅度受格影响较大,异常判定观测仪器精度环境干扰关系密切

    The amplitude of anomalies is closely relative to the precision of observing instrument and the disturbance of environment.


  • 行列式矩阵、齐次线性方程组知识运用向量线性相关性判定,归纳出六种判定向量组线性相关性的方法

    The judging methods of the vectors group related dependence from determinant values, rank of matrix, solution of system of linear equations etc were studied.


  • 建议将R_5上升1.85作为支气管激发试验的阳性判定标准

    R5 can be increased by 1.85 times as a positive criterion in bronchial provocation test.


  • 应用水异常滑动平均从属函数判定方法做进一步分析结果表明,磁山井水氡的中期异常华北地区的两次中强地震好的对应关系

    The anomalies are analyzed with sliding mean and secondary function method. The results show that the medium term anomalies of radon are corresponding well with the two events.


  • 结论灰度分析可以动脉硬化斑块中不同病理成分超声影像进行量化处理,判定斑块的稳定性提供客观依据。

    Conclusions Gray scale ultrasound densitometry analysis can provide quantitative measurement of atherosclerotic carotid plaque, and is useful for evaluate the stability of the plaque.


  • 请记住有人判定是否这个价,其中很大灵活性,”温德·尔顿

    "Remember that someone will be deciding whether or not you're worth it, and there is a lot of flexibility," Wendleton says.


  • 如果知道用户是单击,双击或者视图或者视窗的话,需要判定这个

    If want to determine whether the user single-tapped, double-tapped, or even triple-tapped a particular view or window, you should evaluate the value returned by this method.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定