• 的指甲可能

    There might be scrapings under his fingernails.


  • 哪个方向

    Which way is the wind blowing?


  • 辆汽车我们身旁疾驰而过,嘎然停下

    The car hurtled past us, scraping the wall and screeching to a halt.


  • 不但没停,反而越大了

    Instead of abating, the wind is blowing even harder.


  • 很多尘土进来了。

    Much dust has blown in.


  • 但是大风

    But the gale is still blowing.


  • 即使是座头也喜欢它们海底鳗鱼

    Even humpback whales prefer to use the right side of their jaws to scrape sand eels from the ocean floor.


  • 这些山丘早期地质时代遗留物大部分土壤已被,遭受风吹日晒。

    The hills are remnants of an earlier geological era, scraped bare of most soil and exposed to the elements.


  • 开始有点害怕因为他用一种边缘平滑的工具颈部肩膀皮肤

    I was a little scared at first because he used a smooth edged tool to scrape the skin on my neck and shoulders.


  • 听到阿德莱德穿着高跟鞋石头地板上擦的声音,曼迪没有回头

    She could hear Adelaide scrape across the stone floor in her heels, but Mandy didn't look back.


  • 公路上挡泥板断裂油漆声,这种事故每天都会路上发生成千上万

    There was a crack of fenders and the sound of paintwork being scraped, the kind of minor mishap that occurs on roads thousands of times every day.


  • 牙医除牙石,抛光牙齿

    The dentist scaled and polished my teeth.


  • 大风电线引起火灾

    Winds brought down power lines, sparking a fire.


  • 面色苍白,胡子也没

    He looked pale and unshaven.


  • 飕飕地顺着烟囱往下

    The wind whistled down the chimney.


  • 当时特别需要个胡子。

    He was badly in need of a shave.


  • 这些岛屿上经常大风

    Strong winds regularly sweep the islands.


  • 几天一次腋毛

    I shave my armpits every couple of days.


  • 堵墙,起到一些保护作用。

    The wall gives some protection from the prevailing wind.


  • 电线,中断了数千电力供应

    Winds have knocked down power lines, cutting electricity to thousands of people.


  • 喀嚓一声了。

    The wind had snapped the tree in two.


  • 挡风玻璃上的雨器来回着,发出咔嚓声。

    The windshield wipers clacked back and forth.


  • 现在愈大

    The wind is picking up now.


  • 开车越过小山德尔诺特的那天下大雨大风

    It was very wet and windy the day I drove over the hill to Del Norte.


  • 钥匙孔里发出刺耳擦声,猛地一下开了。

    The key rasped in the lock and the door swung open.


  • 南风

    The wind is blowing from the south.


  • 股突然冷风吹得打哆嗦

    A sudden gust of cold wind made me shiver.


  • 风雨来临时,开始下大雨,大风。

    When the rainstorm came, it began to rain hard and the wind blew strongly.


  • 住处被风跑了孩子也没有了栖身之处。

    Her habitation was swept away, and herself and child left shelterless.


  • 胡子

    I have to shave.


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