Stereotype is one of important effects in colleges teaching and administration. It has positive and negative action.
The behavioral effect of stereotype activation existed in many fields and had a widespread influence.
The behavioral effect of stereotype activation refers to the changes in an individuals overt actions following stereotype activation.
Adopted signal detection method and indirect method, this study discussed the implicit effect of stereotype in the process of social information categorization.
IAT also can be used to measure the implicit effect of gender stereotype in advertisements, but its validity weaken when choosing pictures as the experimental materials.
Using the pictures as the experimental materials and various procedural IAT programs, we tested the implicit effect and its intensity of gender stereotype in ads.
This research tested the effects of complementary stereotype exemplars on System Justification and the conditions implicitly in two experiments.
Moreover, stereotype threat effect could be moderated by domain identity, group identity and ego.
Using Shanghai as an example, this study intended to verify the existence of implicit regional stereotype and looked into its characteristics.
The authors introduces two main mechanisms accountable for the behavioral effect, i. e. , the stereotype threat theory and the ideomotor theory, analyzes and compares the two mechanisms.
This research tested the effects of individuation on the behavioral effect of female negative self-relevant stereotype activation through two experiments.
The first impression, halo effect, stereotype, project effect, and immediate cause effect come from the bias impression in people' s head;
The first impression, halo effect, stereotype, project effect, and immediate cause effect come from the bias impression in people' s head;