• 世界前途命运必须各国共同掌握。

    The future of the world must be shaped by all countries.


  • 中国前途命运世界前途命运紧密相连

    China's future and destiny are closely connected with those of the world.


  • 中国前途命运日益紧密世界前途命运联系在一起。

    China's future is more closely interconnected with that of the world.


  • 中国前途命运日益紧密世界前途命运联系在一起。

    China "s future is more closely interconnected with that of the world."


  • 网络广告效果评估问题关系网络广告前途命运重大课题

    The assessment of its is a major issue related to the future and destiny of Internet advertising.


  • 这种忧患意识主要、忧忧社会前途命运

    His awareness was mainly concerned about the nation, the people, the Party as well as the fate and future of Socialism.


  • 占星术有趣因为可以了解前途其他人前途命运

    Astrology is very interesting because you can learn about the fate of your future and future of other people.


  • 也许就因为这样团队前途命运就掌握某些常用软件手中了。

    Probably members of your team live and die by certain software programs but use others infrequently.


  • 网络空间人类共同活动空间,网络空间前途命运由世界各国共同掌握

    Cyberspace is the common space of activities for mankind. The future of cyberspace should be in the hands of all countries.


  • 网络空间人类共同活动空间,网络空间前途命运由世界各国共同掌握

    Cyberspace eis the common space of activities for mankind. The future of cyberspace should be in the hands of all countries.


  • 中美两国人民相互怀有深厚友好感情,曾经在决定人类前途命运的重大历史关头并肩战斗

    The Chinese and American people cherish deep friendship towards each other, and they fought side by side at defining moments in history when the future and the destiny of mankind were at stake.


  • 中国已经新的历史起点上,中国前途命运与世界前途命运更加密不可分

    China has come to a new historical start point, the future destiny of China and that of the world are more connected.


  • 中国已经新的历史起点上,中国的前途命运世界前途命运更加密不可分

    China has already stood on the new historical starting point. China's future and destiny are more connected with those of the world.


  • 中国已经新的历史起点上中国前途命运世界前途命运更加密不可分。

    China has now stood at a new historical point, and its future and destiny has never been more closely connected with those of the international community.


  • 加强改进大学生德育工作重要任务,是一项事关国家前途命运战略工程

    To strengthen and improve work in moral education is a significant and extremely urgent task, and a strategic project concerning the future and destiny of a nation.


  • 一国前途命运日益紧密地同世界前途命运联系在一起,携手合作、同舟共济符合各国共同利益

    The future and destiny of one country is increasingly tied to that of the world. To work with each other through thick and thin serves the common interests of all countries.


  • 中美两国人民相互怀有深厚友好感情,曾经决定人类前途命运重大历史关头并肩战斗。

    The Chinese and American people cherish deep friendship towards each other and they fought side by side at defining moments in history when the future and destiny of mankind were at stake.


  • 因此能否制订实施合理绩效管理体系,从某种意义上讲关系组织发展前途命运关键一环

    So to develop and implement reasonable performance management system in a certain sense is the development of relation between the future and destiny of the organization key component.


  • 科学理性本质具有终极人文关怀精神”,是一充满人类理想和激情人类自身发展前途命运息息相关的。

    In nature, science and reason have "the spirit of ultimate human concern", which is full of human ideal and passion and closely linked to the own development and the future of the mankind.


  • 员工素质可以决定企业命运如同一个国家前途取决于民族素质。

    The quality of employees decides the fate of a company, just as the future of a country depends on the quality of its people.


  • 他们通过对资产负债表管理保证自己继续筹集资金,这不仅自己公司前途,身后也搭上了一大批公司的未来命运

    Their ability to manage their balance-sheets to ensure that they can continue to raise funds will determine not just their own prospects, but those of the armada of companies gliding in their wake.


  • 60年来中国世界关系发生历史性变化,中国的前途命运日益紧密地同世界前途命运联系在一起。

    Over the past 60 years, the relationship between China and the world has led to historic change. The future and destiny of China has been increasingly interlocked with that of the whole world.


  • 不仅西方经验逻辑展现人类现代性命运前途深层关怀

    It is not only the western experience and logic, but also show the deep care for the future and destiny of mankind.


  • 国家国民普遍具有公民意识还是臣民意识,这直接关系这个国家前途命运问题

    What kind of civic consciousness does a nation generally has, be it the citizen consciousness or the subject consciousness, is an important issue bearing on the country's future and destiny.


  • 这些问题解决直接关系城市前途命运

    The solution to these questions is directly related with cities' future and destiny.


  • 文化民族历史积淀一个国家和民族前途命运休戚相关。

    Culture is the historical accumulation of a nation, and it relates closely with the future and fate of a nation.


  • 文化民族历史积淀一个国家和民族前途命运休戚相关。

    Culture is the historical accumulation of a nation, and it relates closely with the future and fate of a nation.


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