• 了摸男孩前额,热得发

    He touched the boy's forehead. It was burning hot.


  • 前额发烧了吗?

    Your forehead's burning. Have you got a fever?


  • 头发蓬松地垂在前额上。

    Her hair hung limply over her forehead.


  • 下身,前额温柔地一下。

    He bent forward and laid a kiss softly upon her forehead.


  • 前额一个黑色污点

    There was a dark smudge on his forehead.


  • 摸了摸前额感到是在发烧

    I touched his forehead. He felt hot and feverish.


  • 前额上挂着汗珠

    Beads of perspiration stood out on his forehead.


  • 前额上油。

    He anointed my forehead.


  • 前额伤疤

    He had a scar on his forehead.


  • 麦克摇了摇头,使头发不再粘在出汗前额

    Mike shook his head, to unstick his hair from his sweating forehead.


  • 到了我们咖啡跌倒了,前额起了一个大包。

    She fell against our coffee table and got a large bump on her forehead.


  • 离婚自己没有信心,”边无意识地前额上的几绺鬈发往后

    "I was very unsure of myself after the divorce," she says, unconsciously sweeping back the curls from her forehead.


  • 警官摘下头盔,擦了擦前额

    The sergeant of police took off his helmet and wiped his forehead.


  • 他用摸了摸自己前额

    He passed his hand over his forehead.


  • 轻轻地摸了摸前额

    He lightly touched my forehead.


  • 前额吻了吻

    She kissed him on the forehead.


  • 可能会头部带来物理变化尤其是前额

    This is likely to bring about a physical change to the head, in particular the forehead, will grow larger.


  • 头发散乱地披前额上,脸颊着明亮的粉红色

    Her hair was ruffled on her forehead and her cheeks were bright pink.


  • 鹿摩擦前额可能同类中的其它成员发出大量信息

    Forehead rubbing by male deer on buck rubs presumably sends a great deal of information to other members of the same species.


  • 真正故事都是自己它们敲着前额:“了!”

    The right sort come of themselves; they tap at my forehead and say, "Here we are."


  • 人们发现尾鹿摩擦时,鹿角前额腺会沿着小树垂直移动

    It was found that when a white-tailed buck makes a rub, it moves both antlers and forehead glands along the small tree in a vertical direction.


  • 杰佩木偶取好名字,就开始认真地给它头发前额眼睛

    After choosing the name for his Marionette, Geppetto set seriously to work to make the hair, the forehead, the eyes.


  • 十年另一项研究报告称,成年雄性白尾鹿在即将发情发情期间会摩擦前额

    A decade later another study reported that adult male white-tailed deer exhibited forehead rubbing just before and during the rut.


  • 刘海今天潮流中时隐时现,它们在这里出现了,尤其是前额的齐刘海。

    Bangs come and go in trends today, but they are here again, especially blunt cuts straight across the forehead.


  • ·威瑟斯塔用手摸了摸前额目不转睛地盯着看好像永远也不会看够似的

    Ben Weatherstaff passed his hand over his forehead again and gazed as if he could never gaze enough.


  • 鹿摩擦都有一种雄鹿前额腺体产生气味,这种气味在制造涂抹到了树上

    Buck rubs also have a scent produced by glands in the foreheads of deer that is transferred to the tree when the rub is made.


  • 护士擦拭了发烫前额

    The nurse mopped his fevered brow.


  • 擦了那发烧前额

    She mopped his fevered brow.


  • 前额隆起一个大包。

    He got a bad bump on his forehead.


  • 是的,对思念使浮肿,我的前额充斥燃烧的回忆

    Sad, yes, sad thoughts of thee my heart doth swell, And burning recollections throng my brow!


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