• 前额皮质心理理论重要部分。

    The prefrontal cortex is key to theory of mind.


  • 卡森博士表示现象往往前额皮质活动减少有关

    This phenomenon, Dr. Carson said, is often linked to a decreased activity in the prefrontal cortex.


  • 眼窝前额皮质前额皮质一部分,它制约决策回报情感

    The orbitofrontal cortex is a part of the prefrontal cortex that regulates decision-making, reward, and emotion.


  • 前额皮质决定包括语言社交行为决策等复杂思考行为关键

    The prefrontal cortex is key to complex thoughts and behaviors, including language, social behavior and decision-making.


  • 眼窝前额皮质伏隔似乎参与愉快活动产生奖励信息

    Those regions, the nucleus accumbens and the orbitofrontal cortex, appear to process the rewarding information that comes from engaging in such pleasurable activities.


  • 大脑工作记忆位于前额皮质,它执行控制密切联系。

    Working memory, housed in the prefrontal cortex, is strongly related to executive control.


  • 那个倾向于积极思想的,这种活动发生大脑左侧前额皮质区域。

    In those with more positive temperaments the activity occurred in the left prefrontal cortex instead.


  • 主要取决于我们即时记忆容量前额皮质可以同时处理信息数量。

    This is due to the channel capacity of our working memory and how many discrete chunks of information we can process in our prefrontal cortex at a time.


  • 但是这些记忆并不那里停留很长时间而是发送前额皮质长期储存

    But they do not stay there long. Instead, they are sent to the prefrontal cortex for longer-term storage.


  • 交流不畅就意味着血清水平降低前额皮质难以控制杏仁核产生愤怒情绪

    'Weak' communications means that it is more difficult for the prefrontal cortex to control the feelings of anger that are generated within the amygdala when the levels of serotonin are low.


  • 可能导致前额皮质突触数目增加功能增强,”Vollenweider

    "This might result in an increased number and function of spine synapses in the prefrontal cortex," Vollenweider says.


  • 这种区分需要更高前额皮质运作而这超出绝大多数小孩子的能力范围。

    Such a distinction requires a higher prefrontal cortex operation, which is beyond most young children.


  • 掌握门第二语言前额皮质得到很好的锻炼这会影响你的决策情绪

    Mastering a second language gives a workout to your prefrontal cortex, which affects decision making and emotions.


  • 接着研究人员采用显微技术前额皮质神经细胞状突起进行可视化检测。

    The research team then used microscopic techniques to visualize the spines on nerve cells within the prefrontal cortex.


  • 一观点基于人类奇特独一无二认知结构——发育惊人缓慢前额皮质(pfc)。

    This claim hinges on a peculiar and unique feature of our cognitive architecture: the stunningly slow development of the prefrontal cortex (PFC).


  • 许多重要改变发生大脑前额皮质里,前额皮质是用来做决定理解控制行为的。

    Some of the most important changes occur within the prefrontal cortex of the brain, where decision making, understanding and behavioral control reside.


  • 抑制:双侧中央前中央后回中上部位、顶上小叶和顶下小叶以及前额皮质

    Inhibited areas: bilaterally in upper middle precentral gyrus and postcentral gyrus, superior parietal lobule, inferior parietal lobule and prefrontal cortex.


  • Miller解释道,状体会很快辨认个体片段前额皮质他们拼装在一起

    In other words, the striatum quickly learns the individual puzzle pieces, and the prefrontal cortex puts them together, Miller says.


  • 过去的调查研究表明人们无生命的物体互动的时候前额皮质不会被激活例如电脑游戏

    Previous studies have found that the prefrontal cortex is not activated when people interact with inanimate objects, such as a computer game.


  • 实验甚至显示剂量效应,在海马前额皮质交流最少小鼠在迷宫表现最差。

    The experiment even revealed a dose effect-the mice who had the least communication between the hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex turned in the worst performances negotiating the maze.


  • 重要一点是,压力能够减少前额皮质马体数量——而这些工作记忆关联最紧密的部位。

    Most significantly of all, it shrinks the volume of the prefrontal cortex and the hippocampus. These are the parts of the brain most closely associated with working memory.


  • 汤普森解释说压力削弱了我们使用前额皮质能力前额皮质大脑组织计划处理信息部分

    Stress, Thompson explains, impairs our ability to use our prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain that organizes, plans and processes information.


  • 科学家们这些看妇女展示超重过瘦女性图片发现她们前额皮质特别看到超重女性

    The scientists showed the apparently healthy women images of both overweight and thin female bodies. And their medial prefrontal cortex lit up, particularly at images of overweight women.


  • 尤其通过中间侧面前额皮质大脑活动研究者判断志愿者做数学题时是决定两个数字相加还是相减

    Specifically, the researchers determined whether a volunteer decided to add or subtract two numbers in a math exercise from patterns of brain activity in the medial and lateral prefrontal cortex.


  • 陷入爱情苦恼时,前额皮质会活跃,你会期望更多相处时间未来做出计划

    When you're in the throes of new love, your prefrontal cortex also gets into the action, anticipating more time together and planning future events.


  • 具体而言在没有父亲的陪伴下被抚养长大齿鼠眼窝前额皮质躯体感觉皮质具有较少的神经突触

    Specifically, the degu pups raised without fathers had fewer synapses in both the orbitofrontal cortex and the somatosensory cortex.


  • 催产素发出了一种温暖的感觉激发了神经中枢前额皮质的感受,让我们与我们的身体同伴身体充分共融。

    The oxytocin provides the melty feeling and it activates neural centers in the prefrontal cortex and insula that tune us into our own body and to our partner's body.


  • 与普通儿童相比自闭症儿童大脑前额皮质神经元的数目为丰富,新的研究成果可能使这一研究陷入无序状态

    The brains of autistic children have far more neurons in the prefrontal cortex than the brains of kids without autism, finds a new study that could advance research into the disorder.


  • 如果科瑞娜大脑一部分区域出现自我意识可能前额皮质——位于前额后面延伸大约耳朵的区域。

    If there is one part of the brain where the "self" part of Corina's mind began, it would be in the prefrontal cortex-a region just behind her forehead that extends to about her ears.


  • 目的观察针刺抑郁症模型大鼠行为学前额皮质单胺类神经递质的影响分析针灸治疗抑郁症可能作用机制

    AIM: To observe effects of acupuncture on praxiology and monoamine neurotransmitter in frontal cortex of depressed model rats and analyze the mechanism of acupuncture on treating depression.


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