So, fMRIs can identify both the exact location in the brain and the amount of blood.
They also carried out functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scans of healthy volunteers while they performed memory tests.
Functional MRI allows doctors to look at how blood flow increases in response to brain activity.
The youths were tested with functional magnetic resonance imaging to see how their brains reacted while watching video clips.
Hauser cites a study in which spouses or unmarried couples underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) as they were subjected to mild pain.
Langleben and his colleagues have been experimenting with computerized brain scans - functional magnetic resonance imaging.
The blog explains that researchers generally use a technology called functional magnetic resonance imaging, or fMRI, to study the brain.
Pose these dilemmas to people while they're in an fMRI, and the brain scans get messy.
The team used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to measure activity in the ventral striatum, part of the brain's reward system.
Several research groups have observed the activity of mirror neuron networks indirectly in humans through the use of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).
Using a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scanner, normally found in hospitals, the American team scanned the brains of two volunteers while they watched videos.
Using a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scanner, we recorded brain activity in volunteers as they imagined specific events that might occur to them in the future.
Lashley was right, it turns out, and a little wrong: We know from functional MRI studies, among other tests, that memory does have a regional component, too.
Amnesiacs with damage to the perirhinal cortex performed poorly on the tests, while the same brain area lit up in fMRI scans of the healthy control subjects.
Fisher sees the dangers of maladaptive love in fMRI studies she's conducting of people who have been rejected by a lover and can't shake the pain.
Instead of building a model of the visual system, ATR feeds fMRI scans into a computer, which "learns" how to associate changes in brain activity with different images.
利用功能性磁共振成像(functional magnetic resonance imaging),Walker展示了他的受试者在进入睡眠后使用大脑的不同区域来控制他们的击键活动。
Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, Walker showed that his subjects used different brain regions to control their typing after they had slept.
In studies, he gave subjects a chance to deceive for monetary gain while examining their brains in a functional MRI machine, which maps blood flow to active parts of the brain.
And again in one of the functional magnetic insonance image experiments, we could ask Mike to examine faces verse other things.
The functional magnetic resonance imaging scans revealed that the brains of those living in cities reacted differently to stress, the researchers report in the journal Nature.
The scientists monitored the dreamers with both magnetic resonance imaging and near-infrared spectroscopy to see patterns of heat in their subject's heads, which gives a picture of brain activity.
The results of our fMRI study indicate that during reactivation in the wake state, mainly the lateral [pre-frontal cortex] is activated.
The fMRI method may shed light on severe premenstrual symptoms, too.
In one series of experiments, researchers put people in vegetative or minimally conscious states into fMRI scanners and asked them to think about playing tennis.
At each stage, researchers observed their brain activity using functional MRIs when they were shown food and nonfood items.
We used multiple regression analyses of resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging data to quantify functional connectivity across different networks.
He and his colleagues in Germany used functional MRI to study the brain activity of healthy volunteers from urban and rural areas.
Typically, these are recent imaging methods like CAT scan and PET scan and fMRI which, as I said before, show parts of your brain at work.
Typically, these are recent imaging methods like CAT scan and PET scan and fMRI which, as I said before, show parts of your brain at work.