• 工作介于秘书私人助理之间。

    My job is somewhere between a secretary and a personal assistant.


  • 我们助理乐意回答诸位的问题。

    Our assistants will be happy to answer your queries.


  • 秘书确切地讲,私人助理

    She worked as a secretary, or rather, a personal assistant.


  • 这个职位正式名称行政助理”。

    The official title of the job is 'Administrative Assistant'.


  • 授予经理助理职位

    He was given the title of assistant manager.


  • 那个助理接着了下去

    The assistant carried on talking.


  • 一位助理声明总统这些交易一无所知

    An aide avowed that the President had known nothing of the deals.


  • 早些时候辞去了梅内姆总统助理的职务。

    She had earlier resigned her post as President Menem's assistant.


  • 精心邮政助理部长丹尼尔·C·罗珀拉关系。

    Howe carefully cultivated Daniel C. Roper, the Assistant Postmaster General.


  • 卡兰打电话给助理外出接管。

    Kalan called his assistant, Hashim, to take over while he went out.


  • 的时间,一直和一助理研究员约会

    For a year I dated a woman who was a research assistant.


  • 喜欢幕后助理新闻界发布消息。

    He prefers to remain in the background and let his assistant talk to the press.


  • 一位疯狂的公司总裁当私人助理,有很大的压力

    She was a hard-pressed personal assistant to a frenetic company chairman.


  • 明尼苏达州一些社区医生助理用来代替医生

    In a few Minnesota communities, physician's assistants are being used in place of doctors.


  • 总统一直的顶级高级助理们秘密地聚到一起进行商谈。

    The president has been huddling with his most senior aides.


  • 这位助理教练仅仅9个月内就被提拔教练位置令人惊讶的事。

    The elevation of the assistant coach to the head coaching position within only 9 months was a surprise.


  • 就连这位国务卿助理不得不承认以前的政策,本人的话说,没有产生效果

    Even the Assistant Secretary of State had to admit that previous policy did not, in his words, produce results.


  • 决定留在这里研究助理

    Jane and I've decided to stay on here as research assistants.


  • 起初虚拟助理并不出色

    At first, the virtual assistant wasn't too great.


  • 派特一位艺术助理教授

    Pat is an assistant professor on arts.


  • 实际上几个行政助理正在研究这个问题。

    Actually a couple of the administrative assistants are working on that.


  • 老板想要一个懂法语工作经验助理

    The boss wanted an assistant with a knowledge of French and working experience.


  • 然后这些报道传递高级责任编辑助理编辑。

    The stories are then passed to the senior duty editor and the assistant editor.


  • 水利灌溉方面工作了,这次作为项目研究助理

    I'm working in water irrigation again, this time as a project research assistant.


  • 助理人员正在谈论有关下月中期选举到来之前政治情况。

    Two assistants are talking politics ahead of the mid-term elections next month.


  • 大都会州立大学助理教授尼古拉斯·哈特勒普说:“进展不大。”

    "There hasn't been much progress," says Nicholas Hartlep, an assistant professor at Metropolitan State University.


  • 通常带来极大相互尊重无论是同事助理还是接待员

    This often leads to a great deal of mutual respect, whether it's with a colleague, an assistant or even a receptionist.


  • 虚拟助理变得如此高级逼真学生们甚至知道台计算机

    The virtual assistant became so advanced and realistic that the students didn't know she was a computer.


  • 1904年12月任命为皮埃尔·居里领导的实验室首席助理

    In December 1904 she was appointed chief assistant in the laboratory directed by Pierre Curie.


  • 伦·舍伦贝格研究助理知道舍伦贝格试图研究证明什么

    Glenn Schellenberg's research assistants had no idea what he was trying to prove in his new study.


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